Honest opinion - what do you think of these guys?


Feb 12, 2003
Boston, MA
alright, 2 buddies of mine sit around in their apartment all day, playing guitar, goofing around, and listening to Porcupine Tree and Opeth...they spontaneously decide to get some of their material on a CD, so they get in touch with my friend who happens to run a fledgling recording studio..

this is the result: keep in mind, they did this in 2 days, without a drummer or bassist, and with only about 10% of the song structures actually written..

(i'd check out "How We Doin" and "Gary the Moth" first, to get an idea of their sound)

like i said, i'd just like to hear what you all think of it...

kinda jazzy at times, but IMO, pretty original and decent for such a spontaneous effort..

should they try and take this further, and actually start trying to write music??
Wow....woow....wow.....i LOVE it...!!!....beautiful music and teh vox are so freakin awesome too........the sentimental aspect to it is insane....im jsu tlost in teh voclas....this is apro kid...he needs to get out adn start giggin....this is def. something Id buy and pay to see....!!!....ery very very good guys....Im addin him as a friend...Killer tracks......PEAC EOUT
theyre a name which continues to shoot in and out of the american progressive world (ha), who do seem to have some potential, if only they werent so concerned with sounding like porcupine tree's mellower moments. either way, maybe they will make a name for themselves...and their own sound. or maybe they wont. regardless...theyre better than most myspace bands.

if you want something that is truly truly fantastic you can hear on myspace, check out Honeychurch: http://www.myspace.com/honeychurchtheband Keep an ear out for the track titled "chancery lane".