
mark b

Prog 4 ever. Australia!!!
Apr 30, 2007
Toowoomba, Australia.
At what age in your life did you listen to metal and said WOW now thats the music i want to listen to:kickass: ie, a band or song.

Mine was 1983 def leppard pyromania, iron maiden piece of mind and Micheal schenkers built do destroy ( a vintage year):headbang:
eh, i guess mine was in the summer before 8th grade when i first heard metllica. i didn't get really into it until i bought "...and justice for all".

after that i went into a Numetal phase in which my favorite band went from Godsmack to disturbed to Korn.

then i heard iron maiden's best of (ed hunter) and was hooked on the good stuff. this was by early 9th grade. then i started buying iced earth, and so on.

i like this topic! great idea mark
eh, i guess mine was in the summer before 8th grade when i first heard metllica. i didn't get really into it until i bought "...and justice for all".

after that i went into a Numetal phase in which my favorite band went from Godsmack to disturbed to Korn.

then i heard iron maiden's best of (ed hunter) and was hooked on the good stuff. this was by early 9th grade. then i started buying iced earth, and so on.

i like this topic! great idea mark

I am going to see maiden on the somewhere back in time tour on the 6th of feb, which is all there great stuff from seventh son and before. That should be amazing as i was dissapointed with the fear of the dark tour.
Belive it or not, it was Symphony X that hooked me to metal, I always knew of metallica and iron maiden, sabbath and the rest, listened to a few tunes but metal/rock really wasn't something that I listened to at the time... I didn't listen to much music at all in that time. But about 4 years ago id say, my buddy 'gentlemen_of_the_snow' sent me an intro clip of Inferno, and the song 'awakenings' from there I was hooked, and almost in one shot bought all their albums :D since than I've grown my hair long, play guitar, and metal is my way of life!

ANd yeah man, awesome idea for a thread, kudos!
I am going to see maiden on the somewhere back in time tour on the 6th of feb, which is all there great stuff from seventh son and before. That should be amazing as i was dissapointed with the fear of the dark tour.

yeah man, i've seen them three times now, but it all pales in comparrison to this show coming uo. seventh son is my favorite album and i NEED to go to this tour. unfortunately i waited to long for tickets and now they're $200 a piece. i just can't afford that. i think i'm gonna go and hope to finda cheap scalper.
It started 1999 with Blind Guardian ( I had previously listened to to Van Halen & Iron Maiden but BG really got me hooked.) On the following year I bought my first guitar. I started to make Guitar Pro tablatures and submitted them to MySongBook.com. Later on I was one of the moderators there. It was 2001 when I bought Live On The Edge Of Forever. After that I bought all the Symphony X albums (except self titled.) My current cd collection is 90% same as in 2002.
About 1990. with Iron Maiden of course and 'till today they are still one of my best bands.This summer I will see them live for the fourth time and they are finally coming to my town.I feel like a kid again...and this time I'll bring younger generation with me.You have to forge iron while is still hot!:kickass::headbang:
When I first heard Metallica's 'S&M' album back in about 2002? I first got into metal, and then when I heard Dream Theater- Scenes From A Memory in 2004, that was the big moment when I realised what music was... :cool:
Wow....you youngsters! I went from "kiddie" records stright into the Beatles thanks to my sister. I was around 8-9? Maybe 10 at the oldest? (1974).
I knew I liked rock music, even way back then. Further delving into my sisters record collection brought me to bands like Led Zep, Deep Purple, Hendrix, Cream, Uriah Heep, Sabbath, etc.
I'm older than dirt, and was listening to the grand daddys of metal. Been a fan ever since.
Hook, line, and sinker as NWOBHM was happening.......
Well, I started listening music (in general) with Queen in the late 90s (when I was easily under 10 years old). When I was about 12 or so (year 2003 I think) I found some of my sister's old Metallica live videos and got immediatly into the metal music. Got through Rammstein and Bodom phases into the Symphony X phase.. :)
Growing up in the 80's, my mother was a wack-job, and even went as far as burning a pile of records outside, that she held onto for years after she divorced my father. So until I was 15, and lived with my Grandmother, I wasn't allowed to listen to the radio, unless my sister and I did it while she was at work. She was into Crue, and Ratt, you know, glam. I wasn't allowed to ever have friends over, to expose me to the good metal bands. So I assumed at 10-13 years old, that was what all metal was. In 85', hearing Maiden, and old Van Halen got me interested. I'd have to say Fates Warning and Megadeth's- Peace Sells But Who's Buying -hooked me for good. I wore their 80's albums out. Those cassettes were played so much, the clicking from so much play was as audible as the music...so that was the another excuse to play it really loud.
^What were you listening back then? :p

Those were the days when I was into "guitar" music like Satch, Vai, *ducks head in shame* Malmsteen, Friedman etc.

I actually owe SX a lot. They're the biggest reason why I was able to get into heavier stuff like Meshuggah, Devin Townsend and Opeth.:) In a sense, they de-pussified me.:lol:
I was mostly into blues and classic rock as a kid and teenager, such as Zep, Hendrix, Cream, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, etc. etc. I did listen to SOME heavy metal, like Megadeth and such, but it wasn't until 1994, when I was around 13, that Far Beyond Driven (Pantera) was released. I was on my way to a soccer game, and our trainer popped in this cassette, when "Strength Beyond Strength" bowled over me like 100 tanks treading through a minefield. I was hooked, right then and there, and I'll never forget that day. The guitar player in my band was also on my team, and we just looked at each other and we both kind of knew that was what we had to get into (we were of course playing blues-rock and classic rock at the time). I didn't hear of Symphony X until 2000, when "V" was released, and that really changed my personal musical direction as well as the bands. It got me constantly looking into and searching for all progressive metal, and it just snowballed into finding more and more different types of metal. Pantera started it, Symphony X refined it.
I got into classic rock when I first heard "Black Dog" by Zeppelin when I was 11. Then when I was 13 or so I saw Korn on MTV and really got into Nu Metal.

For metal, though... a friend of mine showed me Rhapsody, and I was hooked on the European stuff - the double bass, fast guitars, etc.. That same day I heard Yngwie and DT for the first time, and joined Petrucci's forums which led me to SX and the rest. I didn't hear a lot of the older stuff until I joined this band, haha.
Wow....you youngsters! I went from "kiddie" records stright into the Beatles thanks to my sister. I was around 8-9? Maybe 10 at the oldest? (1974).
I knew I liked rock music, even way back then. Further delving into my sisters record collection brought me to bands like Led Zep, Deep Purple, Hendrix, Cream, Uriah Heep, Sabbath, etc.
I'm older than dirt, and was listening to the grand daddys of metal. Been a fan ever since.
Hook, line, and sinker as NWOBHM was happening.......

I'm a metal fossil like you J-Dubya. I was there in the days of tape trading and buying metal albums because the cover looked like it was something you'd want to hear...scouring the import sections...and hoping to find an issue of Kerrang that may lead you to the next great band.

The album that really hooked me was UFO's Obsession back in 1980...bought it in a 99 cent bin because I dug the cover and the band name...Schenker's performance on that classic made me take up guitar....the majestic solo on the opening track, Only You Can Rock Me, sealed my fate...I had to do that! NWOBHM :headbang:
So I hate to jump on the cliche train...but it was about 11 years ago with Metallica's "Fuel". I saw the video on...*cough* the original Total Request show on MTV *cough* and then bought the album. From that I went straight to Kill 'Em All and was hooked.

My unfortunate story: Carson Daly is almost responsible for my introduction to metal.