Hooray, it's a race riot!


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Not too impressed with what's been going down in Sydney the last few days. /me gets the feeling it's just the beginning though. Tensions have been simmering in this country for the last couple of years now, and the Howard Government can take a large part of the blame by virtually encouraging poor relations between the general public and racial minorities.

I was disgusted watching it on TV this morning, especially the "Ethnic Cleansing Unit" t-shirts and the story in this morning's paper about the people at Cronulla recruiting for a nationalist group.

Any thoughts?
I'm not surprised. Cronulla's been going that way for ages, and if memory serves me correct, that whole part of Sydney has been something of a base for "nationalist" groups for a long time. It's really sad. But I'd also wait to see what the developments are in a week or so, after the newspapers have stopped stirring up trouble. It is true that Arabs and Lebanese have been cruising Cronulla and Maroubra for years looking for trouble though, and the police have done nothing to stop it. Of course the locals are going to turn vigilante when the police are more interested in busting kids for pot and people walking their dogs without a leash than breaking up fights.
Spiff said:
and the Howard Government can take a large part of the blame by virtually encouraging poor relations between the general public and racial minorities.

:erk: Are you kidding?
I have to agree with Spiff about that. But the terrorism scare had nothing to do with this. It's been going on for years. Then last week, some Arabs beat up three lifesavers, one of whom was only 13 or something, declaring "This is our beach! We own it!" or something stupid like that, and now it's on.
I reckon it's disgraceful on both sides too but I think too much attention is being put on how disgusting the riot at the beach at this one-off event was and not enough on how disgusting the behavior of the Lebanese gangs is all the time...

What happened at the beach was a really stupid reaction/retaliation and is just gonna make the tension even worse now, and it was very wrong seeing young kids even with racist slogans everywhere... But I reckon these ethnic groups of thugs who segregate themselves from everyone else then go around looking for trouble and trying to intimidate everyone is alot worse and the whole thing wouldn't have happened if these groups weren't doing that in the first place. I don't live in Sydney but I very much doubt that you see carloads of Aussie surfer kids head down to Greenacre to look for trouble and terrorize people, like these Leb gangs were obviously doing in Cronulla.

Alot of that is the parents' fault I reckon in the ethnic communities because they make no effort to try to adapt or fit in with the Australian way of life or even learn our language properly so they can communicate in our society, so no wonder alot of their kids are gonna end up less educated than Australian kids and clump together, end up speaking some weird annoying "westie" dialect that fuckin shits me up the wall when I talk to customers from Greenacre & Punchbowl on the phone at work, and have nothing better to do than cause trouble. If people wanna migrate to Australia it should be because they wanna be a part of our culture, learn our language and be grateful to live in a good country instead instead of a war-torn one, rather than expect the benefits of living here but create their own little ghettos and refuse to accept our customs & laws etc and try to prove their strength through intimidating people with violence.

That attitude & culture is bad enough in Melbourne (particularly the west too) and it seems to be 10x worse and a much bigger population of it too in Sydney, so it's no surprise that the people feeling threatened in their own suburb by outsiders coming just to stir trouble are gonna retaliate by trying to prove their strength back in the same way. It's a stupid stupid response and I'm kinda ashamed and sad that Australians would lower themselves to that same level of trying to intimidate people with violence as well - I thought we were above that - but I think people should be paying attention to what has been happening for a LONG time before yesterday's riot that sparked the backlash and try to do something to control or prevent this ethnic gang culture from existing, rather than focusing on the racism involved with what happened yesterday. While there was alot of stupid unnecessary racism, it wasn't so much a race-incited riot as it was a reaction against their behavior. You don't see 5000 people telling the Indian community to fuck off back to India on a beach. Why? Because the Indian community are peaceful, respectful, friendly and try to make the best of our country. It was a riot against gangs & bullying that happened to be aimed at the Lebanese (and the whole kinda middle-eastern & eastern European) community because they are at the core of alot of that.

It also seems like the media & everyone is so much more concerned about the alcohol fulled racism by drunk yobbos on the beach than they are about the Lebs' retaliation with carloads of them heading east with baseball bats smashing up cars and stabbing some dude outside a golf club.
Surely with the anti-incitement laws that were passed with the recent anti-terror legislation, this would have been shut down before it occurred.

The minute that those text messages appeared on the T.V. news services, they would obviously have been tracked back to the source, and the black helicopters have taken wing..
It has been bubbling away under the surface for a long time. Something should of been done a long time ago to stop the deadshit fucking arabs getting away with so fucking much, I say rise!, just do it smarter, to start get the gangs, not the ones or two's, if these fuckers want fight, it should be fucking taken to them, obviously the police don't have the power
The UK media (ok, Metro, the freebie London paper - it's the only one I've seen so far) seems to be painting this as a 'White aussies beat the shit out of minorities again' angle. Some segments of the UK press love showing up Australians as being racists.
I don't think anyone should condone or endorse what happened on either side. The whole thing just makes me sick, as does painting all Lebanese as being stupid thugs who like a fight. Sure, the police should have stamped the problem with Lebanese gangs out long ago, but that doesn't make it OK for people to take the law into their own hands. And then we have Mr Howard coming out today saying that there isn't underlying racism in Australia. What a load of rubbish. White Australia Policy, anyone?

As I said before, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The end of society is nigh.
Spiff said:
As I said before, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The end of society is nigh.

I think you're probably right.

Here's the deal though. IF you've got "ethnic gangs" deliberately showing up in public places and bullying people, the cops should show up, arrest them, and then the courts should issue them with some decent punishments that will make them think twice about doing it again.

If they're not citizens, they should have a "3 strikes and your deported" policy for the deadshits who refuse to get their shit together.

For the mob that showed up though... ok, fair enough people will want to take a stand against trouble makers coming in from out of town and bashing people... but is that what these guys have done? Or was it just a convenient excuse for a bunch of drunken yobbos to go on a rampage, victimising people who had nothing to do with the incident that supposedly sparked all the trouble, and destroying public and private property?

So the moral of the story is:
#1 Ethic gangs coming in from out of town to bully people and cause trouble = dickheads.
#1 Mob of rioting Aussies destroying the town as some sort of means of protecting the town from ethic gangs = ironic + also dickheads.
Trixxi Trash said:
I reckon it's disgraceful on both sides too but I think too much attention is being put on how disgusting the riot at the beach at this one-off event was and not enough on how disgusting the behavior of the Lebanese gangs is all the time...

What happened at the beach was a really stupid reaction/retaliation and is just gonna make the tension even worse now, and it was very wrong seeing young kids even with racist slogans everywhere... But I reckon these ethnic groups of thugs who segregate themselves from everyone else then go around looking for trouble and trying to intimidate everyone is alot worse and the whole thing wouldn't have happened if these groups weren't doing that in the first place. I don't live in Sydney but I very much doubt that you see carloads of Aussie surfer kids head down to Greenacre to look for trouble and terrorize people, like these Leb gangs were obviously doing in Cronulla.

Alot of that is the parents' fault I reckon in the ethnic communities because they make no effort to try to adapt or fit in with the Australian way of life or even learn our language properly so they can communicate in our society, so no wonder alot of their kids are gonna end up less educated than Australian kids and clump together, end up speaking some weird annoying "westie" dialect that fuckin shits me up the wall when I talk to customers from Greenacre & Punchbowl on the phone at work, and have nothing better to do than cause trouble. If people wanna migrate to Australia it should be because they wanna be a part of our culture, learn our language and be grateful to live in a good country instead instead of a war-torn one, rather than expect the benefits of living here but create their own little ghettos and refuse to accept our customs & laws etc and try to prove their strength through intimidating people with violence.

That attitude & culture is bad enough in Melbourne (particularly the west too) and it seems to be 10x worse and a much bigger population of it too in Sydney, so it's no surprise that the people feeling threatened in their own suburb by outsiders coming just to stir trouble are gonna retaliate by trying to prove their strength back in the same way. It's a stupid stupid response and I'm kinda ashamed and sad that Australians would lower themselves to that same level of trying to intimidate people with violence as well - I thought we were above that - but I think people should be paying attention to what has been happening for a LONG time before yesterday's riot that sparked the backlash and try to do something to control or prevent this ethnic gang culture from existing, rather than focusing on the racism involved with what happened yesterday. While there was alot of stupid unnecessary racism, it wasn't so much a race-incited riot as it was a reaction against their behavior. You don't see 5000 people telling the Indian community to fuck off back to India on a beach. Why? Because the Indian community are peaceful, respectful, friendly and try to make the best of our country. It was a riot against gangs & bullying that happened to be aimed at the Lebanese (and the whole kinda middle-eastern & eastern European) community because they are at the core of alot of that.

It also seems like the media & everyone is so much more concerned about the alcohol fulled racism by drunk yobbos on the beach than they are about the Lebs' retaliation with carloads of them heading east with baseball bats smashing up cars and stabbing some dude outside a golf club.

Best post ever from Trixxi. Well done.
Trixxi Trash said:
Lebs' retaliation with carloads of them heading east with baseball bats smashing up cars and stabbing some dude outside a golf club.

I never even heard about that!

Sounds about right though.

Deport them! But also crack down on the Aussie trouble makers too.

Good points about how you don't have these problems with other migrant communities too. So I guess, it's degrees of racism, isn't it? Like, it's probably pretty much true that there are problems being caused by certain nationalities, so that's not really racist to point that out. BUT, targetting the whole (migrant) community because of the actions of a handful of dickheads is ignorant, racist and stupid.
What I can't understand is why when someone from an "ethnic minority" commits a crime, we constantly hear the line "don't judge us by the actions of a few"

But all I heard over the radio and the news today was about how what happened in Cronulla was a "national shame" and a "wake up call for all australians". Why the fuck should I be labelled as a racist, drunken bogan because of a few fuckheads!
This has been coming for such a long time. I am sick and tired of car loads of lebo's driving around sydney randomly bashing people.
The cops do nothing about it so finally the rest of sydney has decided to do somthing about it.