Hooray, it's a race riot!

Norsemaiden said:
What I can't understand is that people like you seem to feel really hostile to the idea of a large number of Muslims in Britain
We aren't hostile, we just called you on your bullshit statistic to prove your arguments as crap. We are only disputing what you say because it is crap, not because of discomfort with the situation.
Norsemaiden said:
It implies that you would be likely to want to prevent Muslims from getting this numerous.
If that is how you interpret what we are saying, I think it says more about you and your opinions than us.
Norsemaiden said:
In one of the Times Educational Supplements in 1990, it said that 25% of British schoolchildren were Muslim or other ethnic group.

So 75% of them weren't Muslim (or other ethnic group). And it doesn't say that all 25% were Muslim, either. Also, that stat is 15 years old. Surely you could quote something more recent?
Do you mean to say that the stats that scientists say natural blondes will be extinct within 200 years, and redheads within half that time are full of shit too? You obviously don't know fuck about genetics and how recessive genes get lost through dilution with dominant genes. But that doesn't surprise me. No, actually perhaps you know it too well but you racially hate white people.
Only people being able to choose hair colour, eye colour, etc through genetic engineering would prevent this, (and I am not advocating that).
Mark, I've heard your kind of argument for years off my parents. I didn't expect such sheepish political correctness on a metal forum. If its not anti-white hatred that motivates you please take off your blinkers. You may be disagreeing with me for sport, but that is so selfish.
Search your feelings. You know what I'm saying is right.
Norsemaiden said:
I didn't expect such sheepish political correctness on a metal forum.

She's got a point guys, this is a metal forum, we can't just go around posting our own opinions - they must be off-centre, or we're letting the metal squad down.
Stop calling us all racist you dipshit. We are only arguing because your points are ridiculous, not because of an underlying racial issue. If anyone has a problem with other races it is you. You are the one complaining about other races growing in percentage of the population....hello, who gives a fuck. Racist people, that is who.

One thing I hate is when people think their opinion is correct, and anyone who disagrees is either in denial or wrong. Get over yourself and get off of your soapbox.
Guess my Jedi mind trick didn't work on you then. Calm down guys, I bear no grudge towards you. I understand that you prefer to believe in a comfortable lie rather than a terrifying truth. That is human nature (and also why the entire future of life on this planet is under threat). Sorry to have attempted to wake you up. :wave:
Norsemaiden said:
I just googled "Muslims in Britain" and saw a site claiming that there are between 2 and 3 million (which was an Islamic site). Firstly, I believe the authorities deliberately downplay the numbers, but secondly 3 million is about double the percentage that was just quoted. Islam is the fastest growing religion, that has consequences.

Firstly, the Islamic sites/associations are likely to try to exaggerate their own numbers. Secondly, if the British stats agency (can't remember what it's called) is anything like the ABS, it is completely separated from the govt as far as statistical output is concerned, which again would mean that you're full of shit.

Norsemaiden said:
It is optional to put your religion on a census form, so the stats can't be accurate.
Considering Muslims have an average of 6 children and whites have less than one, because of hedonism and degeneracy.

Fark me dead! You first say the census stats can't be accurate, then pull out that pearler about Muslims having six on average and whites less than one. What loopy source do you have for that? Are all your white friends only children or something?

Norsemaiden said:
We all know our governments are lying to us, and we're not being told the truth about race. In fact I'd say the governments are racist against their native populations. You can't get more extreme than actually replacing one population with another.

So is the issue race or religion now? What about white Muslims?