Mark, does it actually matter to you if half the births in the UK are Moslem or not.? The only thing that is going to stop Britain becoming a Moslem country (with nuclear weapons by the way) is if something stops it. It is happening really fast. I've decided, having given it further thought, that I don't care, because everyone gets what they deserve. I'm sure there are plenty of Moslems themselves who tell their friends that half the births in the UK are of their faith, it's an inevitability within my lifetime after all.
Perhaps its a case of if you can't beat em, join em. Does that attitude meet with your approval? I can see from your reaction that the idea of resisting them really was "full of shit".
Sorry sorry sorry.
Perhaps its a case of if you can't beat em, join em. Does that attitude meet with your approval? I can see from your reaction that the idea of resisting them really was "full of shit".