Hooray, it's a race riot!

I'd love to send the fuckwit thugs and drug dealers of various backgrounds back where they or their parents came from and see how they liked it there. Yeah, that would be good. Like Trent said, the parents have to take a fair bit of the blame.
Race riots are inevitable. There can never be a lasting peace, only what the Vikings call a "sword truce". In nature there is constant competition and constant struggle. The (culturally different) immigrants will attempt to take over the host country.
You either say you like cultural differences because you are one of the culturally different and want more power, or because you are white and think that a friendly multi-cultural existence is both viable and desirable. Only whites could be so naive. This thinking creates a power vacuum, which will be filled by the strongest. :hotjump:
Explain to me why it's not desirable.

Viable, maybe I can get that, but that's only because of human nature. Get rid of the extremists on both sides of the coin and we'd all be able to live in peace and harmony, skipping through the flowers, feeding wild deer and having birds land on our shoulders.
My grandfathers didn't go to war so we could allow any old shithead to come and take over our country with their more holy than thou attitudes.
If any fucker doesn't want to respect the laws of our country and think they can treat this great country like the country their fore fathers came from,let them go that country and fight their tyrads there.
I agree with that sentiment Xena, but the irony is that the gangs that are causing trouble right now aren't even treating Australia like it's Lebanon, because in Lebanon, they wouldn't get away with behaving like that. They'd most likely be in the army, stationed on the Israeli border and waiting to get their arses blown off. And if they weren't, and they went around burning churches and indiscriminately bashing people, they'd be locked up or shot. It's only because Australian society is the way it is that they're even allowed to carry on like this. And it works both ways too. Aussie yobs wouldn't be allowed to carry on like they did in Cronulla on the weekend if they were an enclave living in Beirut. They'd be massacred.
Is it true what I've been told - the translation of the Chinese word for Australia is "New China" ? They intend to come over in millions it seems. I guess that's fair enough then. They need the space. If anyone doesn't like it I think all you can really do is withdraw support from the government or any parties that allow it to happen.
There have been similar race riots in Britain to what happened in Australia, but all that happened is the law got tightened. Now half of all births in the Uk are Muslim.
Well half the births in several of the UKs cities are Moslem and they are easily going to outnumber everyone else within a generation, as they are only too happy to admit. I have to add though,that if I must have an alien culture forced on me I'd rather it was Moslem than Christianity. I'm not racist just honest.