Horrible Black Metal Bands List

I read the first book,well only half of it because I was sick and tired of it at half and the movie was plainly shit.the onyl good thing about that movie was that I got the tickets for free and that I went with a girl but I still regret wasting those 2 hours
so yes I feel I can judge them
I'll re think my position.I still think those books are bad for people older than 12 years old.not bad but pointless and there are better authors when it comes to fantasy
and the movie,I won't re think that because I still think it sucks,after 1 hour I was talking with my friend and throwing pop corn at each other because were so bored.
the same comment goes to the "happy days" thread
I was just in a bad mood some hours ago
Fair enough...everyone is after all entitled to theri opinion.
(But then again a person who would be so ignorant as to talk during a movie and throw popcorn - rather than just walking out so that the people who truly enjoy the cinema can enjoy it, well a good comment couldn't be expected from the likes of this type of person).

I HATE when people talk during movies. Personally I don't pay $13 to try and watch a move over ignorant chatter.

(That's why people like this get their asses kicked in the parking lot after the film).
well I wasn't screaming or throwing it at people
if that's what you do there I don't do that
and please don't talk about ignorance because you are like 17 years old and you enjoy harry potter
it's ok for kids to get the habit of reading but when you are over 12 and read that you better stick with it or change to archie
other things would be too difficult for you
Unti recent discoveries ( mainly recent borkangar, recent emperor and recent dimmu ) i didnt think the words "horrible" and "black metal" could be separated. Its like saying " ok lets name the most childish and stupid gore theme death metal band"
Originally posted by manuelgv
well I wasn't screaming or throwing it at people
if that's what you do there I don't do that
and please don't talk about ignorance because you are like 17 years old and you enjoy harry potter
it's ok for kids to get the habit of reading but when you are over 12 and read that you better stick with it or change to archie
other things would be too difficult for you

Actually I'm not "like 17", I'm 23. And yes I do happen to like Harry Potter (among many other things), but I don't think it's a question of intelligence. If I like something, I do it/read it/watch it and/or listen to it. I don't worry about "oh my god what will people think of me if they knew I enjoy something they deem juvenile or for little kids". I don't rule my day to day life in regards to other people's opinions. In fact the only reason I'm replying to your post is because I'd like to see just how far I can push you. ;)
Originally posted by Rune Fairy

If I like something, I do it/read it/watch it and/or listen to it. I don't worry about "oh my god what will people think of me if they knew I enjoy something they deem juvenile or for little kids". I don't rule my day to day life in regards to other people's opinions.

Marry me?


Well, I live by those words.

And as for bands that are pure shit... I instantly think Cannibal Corpse. But that's not black metal, that's not even metal, that's just pure garbage. IMHO, of course.
Wow first a marriage proposal at the bus stop, and now one in the Vintersog forum! My ego is just bubbling with fruit flavour!


If more people just lived by their own free will...well we are of the enlightened few!! hehe

Another crap band to add (I stress this is my opinion):

That's just... Canadian :P

No offense :) Congrats on 100 posts btw :)

Oh my god, tomorrow will be great. Or it'll go to Hel. Time will show, I'm betting on the latter, but you never know :) I'm shaking with anticipation, which is strange, for me.

Hrm, think I'll get some sleep. Soon.