Horrible eBay Experience...


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
This is a story in progress. So last week I agreed to help a friend out by using my eBay/PayPal account to buy him a used Peavey Triple XXX head, and he gave me the cash in advance. I'm an experienced eBayer and this would be my friend's first tube amp, so I figured I'd help him out. Plus I'd have the amp for a few days to put it through the paces, possibly record some clips for the Recabinet site using the preamp out with IRs, etc. Totally win-win right? I scored the amp for $525 USD total with shipping from a certified eBay TOP SELLER with 100% positive feedback, my friend was stoked, great deal for a killer amp... or so we thought...

The story so far:

The amp arrives today via UPS, in a totally sketchy box for a fake Christmas tree, wrapped in duct tape. Warning sign #1. So I decide (wisely, as it turns out) to open the package outside on my patio. I had to cut it open with a utility knife, not just to cut the tape, but to cut the box. Inside were tons of packing peanuts that exploded everywhere. Thankfully, the guy put the amp in a taped up plastic bag.

I turn the amp on its side to open the bag, and I hear a sound that resembles a rain stick. WTF?? Turns out, as I open the bag, that the inside of the bag, and the amp itself, are covered in SAND!!! Not only that, but all the switches and pots are grimey with the sand. What kind of "top seller" does this???!!! (UPDATED: pictures are here.)

Mind you, the photo in the eBay listing showed the amp looking clean, near mint, and the only problem visible/described was that the knob caps for the FX send/return levels were missing. Easy to replace, and my friend has no FX units anyway. As it turns out, not just the caps were missing, but the actual posts on the resistors had been sheared off somehow!!! Also, the power cord was severely crimped (thankfully that is replaceable, but it would have been nice to know in advance!)

So I decide to brave it, and see if the amp even works. I cleaned up the amp inside and out with 91% isopropyl alcohol, removing the sand and dust as much as possible. It actually looked near mint after an hour of cleanup work. I also re-seated all the tubes and individually cleaned them.

I notice that while the footswitch is included as per the listing, the cable is missing. Now, the listing didn't mention the footswitch cable, but a responsible eBay seller would note the lack of a cable in the listing, particularly because Peavey's footswitch cables are a proprietary multi-pin connector that requires a special order to replace.

So I fire up the amp, with one of my own power cords, and I notice that the channel volume knobs for the Crunch and Ultra channels are loose and spin infinitely. Fucking great. The amp sounds good on all channels, no dirty pots (unbelievably) but the tubes sound a bit dead and the tone of the amp is a good deal woolier and fizzier than I would like. I didn't expect new tubes, and if everything else about the amp had been good, then I wouldn't have tripped, but it was depressing after all the hard work.

Next, I take my spare Peavey multi-pin cable from my 5150 II and hook it up to the XXX footswitch and head to test it out. The clean channel button on the footswitch doesn't work. At this point I decided enough is enough, and I am demanding a refund. I'm awaiting a reply from the seller.

Once we get the refund money back, my friend is going to be ordering a brand new Peavey 3120 instead from a local dealer.

To be continued soon...
Wow dude thats really fucked up...
Sand inside the bag? Unbelievable! :zombie:

I´m curious about the pictures.
Sorry to hear that dude!

I also never had any luck with second hand gear. Nowadays I buy everything brand new because of that.
Sorry to hear that dude!

I also never had any luck with second hand gear. Nowadays I buy everything brand new because of that.

I've done a lot of buying and selling on eBay with nothing but positive experiences for years, until now. This experience will make me even more skeptical and push me to ask even more questions from now on.
that fucking sucks! I guess in the end, you can't REALLY trust anyone, not even the top sellers...
At least you received it and it is working. I stopped buying from Ebay and Ebay-like sites because of this. There's even a story in Brazil that someone sent poo inside a box instead of some pedal or something.
I hope you contacted Ebay about this issue and left him neg-feedback

Ebay will award you the amp AND the money if you do, as you paid for the described product and received an amp in your sand-pit...

Nice work on cleaning and restoring it best you can though...

I've never really had any issues with Ebay purchases beyond late delivery...
Sorry to hear that dude-that's really shitty, but all in all, it could be way worse.

there was a dude in germany with like 100 faked buys who started selling mac books
expensive cameras and stuff, like 50 items in one week. After everything was sold he got like 50 negative feedbacks.
The fucker only sent packages with stones in them for 500-800$...
I hope you contacted Ebay about this issue and left him neg-feedback

Ebay will award you the amp AND the money if you do, as you paid for the described product and received an amp in your sand-pit...

Nice work on cleaning and restoring it best you can though...

I've never really had any issues with Ebay purchases beyond late delivery...

He pretty much nailed it...its a contract agreement that you both have to abide by..he failed on his end by not accurately describing the product which means ebay can forfeit any money entitled to him and refund it with almost no questions asked as long as your able to prove that the issues werent mentioned in the auction.
Dude, Shane, you of all people should know how buyer-biased ebay is, I highly doubt you'll have any trouble taking this guy to the cleaners! Sand though, good god - where was it shipped from?
Nope, buyers most definitely can dude, it's sellers that can't! (usually pisses me off, but in this case it's clearly for the better!)
I hope you contacted Ebay about this issue and left him neg-feedback

No, because eBay recommends dealing directly with the seller and he's been communicative and is offering me a full refund in return for shipping the amp. I plan to hit him with the negative feedback once I get the refund.

Ebay will award you the amp AND the money if you do, as you paid for the described product and received an amp in your sand-pit...

Nice idea, but I don't exactly think that's true. eBay policy on the issue is here. eBay would probably only do that in an extreme situation where the buyer stops communicating or is hostile.

Nice work on cleaning and restoring it best you can though...

I had to see how fucked up this thing was, but I didn't want to risk damage to the amp or my house.

I've never really had any issues with Ebay purchases beyond late delivery...

Yeah, like I said out of hundreds of transactions I've never had anything like this go on either.
Dude, Shane, you of all people should know how buyer-biased ebay is, I highly doubt you'll have any trouble taking this guy to the cleaners! Sand though, good god - where was it shipped from?

Florida. This guy has positive feedback (tons of it) going all the way back to 1999, it's very strange that this happened. Most of what he sells is car parts, though, with the occasional pro audio item.