Horrible eBay Experience...

UPDATE: Because the seller is being such an ass-hat, eBay is covering the cost of return shipping and just sent me a prepaid shipping label to print out. I'll be shipping the amp out Monday and then it's up to the seller to refund me through PayPal. Assuming the seller will own up to his responsibility and issue me the refund, everything will be fine. Meanwhile, my friend's putting through his order for the 3120 head with the local shop.

If the seller decides to be a jerk and not post my refund, I have eBay and the law on my side, and I'm armed with a fair amount of contact information for the guy should the police need to get involved (not likely, but you never know.)

Good news for you
Just thought I'd issue an update. I got the money back, and my friend should have a brand new Peavey 3120 soon. I'm not sure what the seller's problem was, but everything worked out fine and eBay covered the return shipping cost. :)

just chipping in for no reason