
Ghetto viking of war, well that's some good name for an album as they put on the site.
If you take band pictures with axes and swords, at least don't wear the fubu outfit.
Wish they had put some mp3 just for a good laugh. Vocalist calls himself Genghis Khan,.. tell me the whole band doesn't take itself seriously ?

NP - Fornost - Call of Nergal
Belgar said:
Vocalist calls himself Genghis Khan,.. tell me the whole band doesn't take itself seriously ?

I really dont know, I mean, I certainly hope they dont. Sometimes you really have to wonder about some people.....
Oh you have got to be kiding me.......another reason to make fun of jersey, just what i need. I wonder if their parents know what they are doing.
Patric said:
Genghis Khan was more metal/balls than any AA member.

Yeah, according to something i read- At one time there was a huge walled city that would not surrender, and ghengis khan offered them a truce. He said if they gave him 100 cats and 100 swallows from within the city, he would leave and let them be.

so the people gave him the animals, but when he got them he and his men tied rags soaked in oil to their tails, set the rags on fire, and released them. the animals went back into the city to get back to their homes through small craks in the walls, and the birds flew over. The fires on the animals set the city on fire, and people started to panic and flee, so ghengis sent his men into the burning city and slaughtered everyone.

How fucking bad ass is that? there needs to be a sick braveheart type movie about ghengis khan, with a kick ass metal sound track. fuck yeah dude.
Really? Awesome...see there Russians, better not fuck with Kazacks and related folks ;) But the problem with ME is that whenever I hear his goddamn name...Ghengis Khan...Mr T springs to mind, goldchains and all. Heh.

NP: Disavowed-Masses Conformed

Pure fucking evil
I can't believe a Korean is calling himself a viking.. What is he, 4'2"? Fuck no.. If I killed that bastard I wouldn't even eat his eyes.