Horror Authors


Mar 25, 2003
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Who is your favourite horror author then? Mine is James Herbert, although Clive Barker is pretty good too. I've just started my first Anne Rice book so I'll let you know how that goes.
Bye :devil:
Clive Barker is my all time fav, although he has been dabbling in other avenues of interest of late, but he is god regardless.

Other favs:
Poppy Z. Brite (her 'exquisite corpse' is one of the most disturbing books I've had the pleasure of reading)
Dean Koontz
Lucy Taylor
Brett Eastin Ellis (purly for his 'American Psycho' work)
Without a doubt, Lovecraft rules...Clive Barker is pretty good as well.
So is John Saul, although not quite as amazing..

as for Stephen King...I used to love him but now I am not sure...I still think the Dark Tower series rule, though.
The only real horror I've read is by Stephen King, Green Mile (superb) and a half The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (pretty boring), if you don't count in Tom Clancy as a horror author, I guess he's just a thriller kind of author.