Horror DVDs

Blitzkrieg said:
Far more enjoyable than The Exorcist...good stuff.

You're quite mad, dear boy. Nothing against The Exorcism Of Emily Rose, because I want to see it one of these days, but I fully expect it to pale in comparison to the mighty Exorcist. That is not just a great horror film but a great film in its own right.

As for The Omen, I was in a rotten mood when I watched the first one and didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped to. I'll have to give it another chance, along with 2 and 3.

Goreripper said:
What is wrong with you Wrathy?...How could you not enjoy that?

I told you I was in a shitty mood at the time, moping over life in general and a woman I didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being with.

Looking back, it would never have worked out. Her grammar was appalling! How I could have fallen for someone who said "brang" I'll never know. Nice set o' funbags though ;).

Blitzkrieg said:
Last night I watched Dark Water, from the writer of The Ring. Uses many of the same ideas, and pales in comparison, but was still worth watching I guess.

Japanese or American version? I'm not a big fan of remakes. The original was alright.

Blitzkrieg said:
Last week I watched The Exorcism Of Emily Rose, which was rather good.

Yeah it's not a bad film. Seen better, seen worse. :)
Revisited Romero's The Crazies on the weekend, i dont know why I did that to myself...

What was that Omen rip off back in the 80s, Holocaust 2000?
While it's more of a thriller than a horror, I watched In the Cut last night. Pretty good film. I don't usually like Meg Ryan, but when she's naked I give her the thumbs up.