Horror DVDs

Trixxi Trash said:
I don't like any Friday The 13th's after Part 6... In fact most of the Friday's are really ordinary anyway, but the ones from 7 onwards are just crap. I love the original (but overrated if you compare it to The Burning for example), either 3 or 4 was good but can't remember which one coz I get them both confused as the Tommy Jarvis as a little kid ones, and both 5 & 6 are entertaining as popcorn & booze slasher flicks to have some fun with if ya got friends over.

4 is the introduction of Tommy Jarvis played by NONE OTHER THAN COREY FELDMAN! - I have that one on DVD.

I have 1, 2, 3, 6, JGTH and X on VHS as well.

I can't believe you don't like Jason Takes Manhattan though! If there's ever a popcorn and booze slasher flick, that is the one! I think I said it before in this thread, but punching a boxer's head clean off and having it land in a bin is the most genius thing anyone has ever put to film!
ceydn said:
4 is the introduction of Tommy Jarvis played by NONE OTHER THAN COREY FELDMAN! - I have that one on DVD.

I have 1, 2, 3, 6, JGTH and X on VHS as well.

I can't believe you don't like Jason Takes Manhattan though! If there's ever a popcorn and booze slasher flick, that is the one! I think I said it before in this thread, but punching a boxer's head clean off and having it land in a bin is the most genius thing anyone has ever put to film!

Nah i hate Jason Takes Manhattan. I had seen it on video a few times growing up, bought it a few months ago on DVD for $8 and sat down to watch it, and ended up even skipping chapters by the 2nd half coz I just couldn't bring myself to waste 90 minutes watching it, I was so bored. It had just become so tiresome by now... It just lacks all the energy and enthusiasm and any kind of cool vibe that low budget films are meant to have I reckon, it comes across as a "let's quickly churn out another by-the-numbers slasher for the teens" by the big studios to make a fast profit. Even other run of the mill 80s slasher flicks like Slaughter High are more entertaining I reckon because they have more "so bad its good" value as well as at the same time having a more interesting atmosphere and seem to have more energy about them.
Hahahaha :lol: Slaughter High.

Oh man, that movie is just so classic. Everything about it rools. From the hour-long chase scene down stairs (exaggerating a little maybe...) at the end, to the silliest death scene ever (just pushes their head down into the shit with his foot) to the CONTROVERSY SURROUNDING THE MOVIE and suicide.... bom bom bommmmm
Yeah I think one of my favourite parts is when that girl runs down about 5 flights of stairs, in a 2 storey building, and ends up on the top floor. It's unreal!
Trixxi Trash said:
Yeah I think one of my favourite parts is when that girl runs down about 5 flights of stairs, in a 2 storey building, and ends up on the top floor. It's unreal!

There's a movie out called "Earth Force", starring Gill Gerard. It was filmed in the early 90s, in Lithgow, at the power station that I work, and at Kangaroo Valley's hydro stations.

A left hand drive truck gets blown up on a former workmate's property, escaping from God knows what, from a dead end lane.

A guy runs from the control room, and is instantly transported through a door 100 metres away.

Then they head for the (coastal) cooling water intakes to defuse the bomb.
They timed the movie just right, as the chimney wasn't built.

So it was a terr'st (environazi) threat against a nukuler powr stashn.