Hot Song Of The Week, aka "Let's move our fat asses"


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hi dudes,

90% of people here are musicians, often in their own bands.

If you also think you don't train enough your instrument, and that spending at least 10% of the time you spend here on strings or drums instead would be a great improvement in your musical life, I propose you something : we can choose the "hot song of the week" (more or less), and we could train on it all a the same time. Metalheads motivating themselves to train their guitar skills, like girlies motivating themselves to follow their weight loss plan :D

Why not to record one-shot performances to have critics over our playing from experienced ears ? Also, if someone is motivated (for example the person who proposes a song to cover) he could create a backing track of it, even if it's not fucking perfect, so that we could mix it with our own performance, which would be pretty cool !

Instead of tiring democracy, we could simply choose a song one guy after the other. Are we able to, a gentleman way, on the principle of suggestions ? :saint:

Could be a good way of training, having fun, discovering other people's tastes, etc :cool: without strictly setting too much rules etc. Here the goal is only to train more often, and proposing songs that could interest everyone (no need to propose the strangest thing that nobody is interested of)

If you're motivated, I'm starting proposing you a not-so-difficult-to-remember-but-yet-hard-to-play-clean song (you can learn it in a few dozens of mns, really).

So, with no more suspense...

the first Hot Song Of The Week...

GOJIRA - Toxic Garbage Island !
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