Hot Topic Presents...

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In Your Face said:
Times change, grow the fuck up.The industry is much different than it was 7-8-9-10 years ago.

LOL, explain EXACTLY how the recording industry has changed for the better in the past 10 years? it hasnt, bodom has gotten far too mainstream, and pulled a metallica
goth_fiend said:
LOL, explain EXACTLY how the recording industry has changed for the better in the past 10 years? it hasnt, bodom has gotten far too mainstream, and pulled a metallica

Nah, I don't mean better.

Just different.
In Your Face said:
Change is good every now and then. Especially when so many bands are coming out and trying to sound like old CoB.

I guess i don't really have one?

Drink beer and have fun. Thats my point! and i'm sticking to it... who's with me?

Change is good, but they changed in the completely wrong way. Only reason I'd drink beer to AYDY is to pass out as quickly as possible and end the pain. It's the worst album ever created by a previously respected band.
PanzerKunt said:
Change is good, but they changed in the completely wrong way. Only reason I'd drink beer to AYDY is to pass out as quickly as possible and end the pain. It's the worst album ever created by a previously respected band.

I have to disagree... St. Anger takes the cake on that one. (if you previously respected Metallica...I never really did. I always thought they kinda sucked ass)

also, i meant drink beer in general... especially german beer... none of that heiniken crap (however you spell it)
PanzerKunt said:
Only reason I'd drink beer to AYDY is to pass out as quickly as possible and end the pain.

:lol: :lol:

I think Children of Bodom has pulled a Metallica. They turned against what they played for, who they played for and the style they played. Now directed clearly towards people like "In Your Face". You can tell by the crowds that go to their shows, the new people showing up here and by their musical influences (Saying SOAD is an influence and having a song consisting of cheap Pantera rip offs).

The new album is directed towards angst kids who want to release their "pain" and the life style that Alexi lives is taken to old middle aged Pantera and Slayer fans who run around getting piss drunk yelling "PANTERA!" everywhere they go.

The music industry hasn't changed and DON'T say Spinefarm did this. Look at Kalmah for example, they haven't changed their style, they haven't been booked to play Hot Topic shows, they arn't changing to follow whats hip and trendy.

Nightwish didn't change their style to become popular. The crowds went to them. If a band wants to be popular and respectable they have to allow the fans to come to them, not chase the latest trend.
PanzerKunt said:
Only difference between St.Anger and AYDY is which side of the Atlantic they were spewed out on. And I prefer Norwegian beer, CB <3

haha, alright... can't argue with that...

Bokkøl beers are really good... i've tried a few. I heard they don't sell them everywhere because of the alcohol content or something?

good stuff though.
Can somebody tell me what the fuck is wrong with hot topic?!?... if COB plays I don't give a fuck who organised it!... and if you don't like the new shit, the problem is yours... I personally like AYDY much more than HCDR and of course not as much as Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper, but that doesn't fucking matter... i see nothing sell-outish about Chidlren Of Bodom... they play what thay want and keep on changing the way they want, KNOWING they are disappointing some of the old fans, but that's the cost you always pay with evolving and they did it with every single album they made up to date... and the fact that they are getting more and more famous and successful for me is a perfectly good thing... I really don't understand what problem do people have with their favourite band being able to pull bigger tours, selling more albums, having more fans, and being able to make more money... If it was up to me COB would be making more that Britney Spears and would be on MTV all day long and I don't really understand the rule that a band can be good only if they are like underground and 5 people in the world know they exist and only one of them goes to their shows and the band needs to have like 3 day fukcing jobs to keep it together... and Alexi have said many times the band does not book shit by themselves so the hot topic decision is not made by them anyway...

Bottom LIne:
Say you hate the music on the new album and shut the fuck up with the selling out bullshit!
I have nothing wrong with a band becoming more famous and being able to pull bigger tours and shows, but the quality of the evolution is what counts, and sadly this album just does not cut it
yourkiller said:
Can somebody tell me what the fuck is wrong with hot topic?!?... if COB plays I don't give a fuck who organised it!... and if you don't like the new shit, the problem is yours... I personally like AYDY much more than HCDR and of course not as much as Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper, but that doesn't fucking matter... i see nothing sell-outish about Chidlren Of Bodom... they play what thay want and keep on changing the way they want, KNOWING they are disappointing some of the old fans, but that's the cost you always pay with evolving and they did it with every single album they made up to date... and the fact that they are getting more and more famous and successful for me is a perfectly good thing... I really don't understand what problem do people have with their favourite band being able to pull bigger tours, selling more albums, having more fans, and being able to make more money... If it was up to me COB would be making more that Britney Spears and would be on MTV all day long and I don't really understand the rule that a band can be good only if they are like underground and 5 people in the world know they exist and only one of them goes to their shows and the band needs to have like 3 day fukcing jobs to keep it together... and Alexi have said many times the band does not book shit by themselves so the hot topic decision is not made by them anyway...

Bottom LIne:
Say you hate the music on the new album and shut the fuck up with the selling out bullshit!

I believe yourkiller said pretty much of what I was going too.
And people saying that they hate AYDY, losing the respect for the band, that CoB have become sellouts... well that's fine with me, everyone has their OWN opinion. Some people thinks this, others don't, that's just the way it is. But this shit (not just this Hot topicgig thing) is really getting old now. Come on...

And what's so fucking bad about young fans anyway? They're fans just like (some of) us. Let them have theirs.
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