Hotel information for out of town guests


Sep 9, 2003
Visit site

Wild Palms Hotel
910 E. Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
P: 408.738.0500 | F: 408.736.8302
Reservations: 800.538.1600

If you are coming from out of town for the March 24th show- this is a good place to stay that is close to the venue. They have rates right now for $65.00 a night on the Saturday night of the show--

I just booked our room at Wild Palms! Thanks for the great tip, David! :)

My wife and I stayed at another property owned and operated by this company a few years ago -- the Commodore Hotel in San Francisco. We were really pleased with it. It was very decorated very interestingly and the staff and accommodations were excellent. (Too bad that one is closed now... :erk:)

Wow, you're right about this one being close to the venue -- it's just 2.2 miles! Here's a map with driving directions.
SONUVA FRIGGIN.............

:yell: :yell:


Waited to take care of plane tickets and all that......

and now the damn room rate has DOUBLED since I first checked.........

Ill see what I can do here to work with the hotel or do my best to find another one--


Thank you - I mean that would double my lodging expense for the weekend and that's just tough right now

Anything you can do would be apprciated - thanks man!

Thank you - I mean that would double my lodging expense for the weekend and that's just tough right now

Anything you can do would be apprciated - thanks man!
+1. This isn't surprising though. Hotels aren't stupid. When they get wind of an event (especially an annual one, look how it is for ProgPower), not to mention when they're filling up (I bet that a lot of people reserved right around the same time for this event, not to mention the rooms for the bands), they raise the prices. Greedy bastards.
I just checked the rates... It appears that the rate is only high if you're checking in on or before March 22. If you check in on March 23 or 24, you could stay over a week at the low rate.

If you're planning to arrive on or before March 22, perhaps you can stay at a less expensive hotel farther away from the venue, then move over to Wild Palms on or after the 23rd. :)
I just checked the rates... It appears that the rate is only high if you're checking in on or before March 22. If you check in on March 23 or 24, you could stay over a week at the low rate.

If you're planning to arrive on or before March 22, perhaps you can stay at a less expensive hotel farther away from the venue, then move over to Wild Palms on or after the 23rd. :)

DUDE - thanks so much for the assist on that!
I am going to look into that today!!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

You just got yourself a free beer on friday night:kickass:
Exactly-- I just confirmed yesterday that the rates had not changed-- The issue is that since this is right around the Silicon Valley, the rates go through the roof during the week because of the limited supply of hotel rooms in the area-- There is hardly any business during the weekend, so the rates go very low-- If you want a cheap hotel during the week-- I would suggest trying Priceline or something of the sort-- Its hard to find sub-$100 rooms here-
I just wanted to post about my very positive experience at this hotel.

My buddy and I arrived and were really enjoying the decor and vibe.

The check-in process was smooth and friendly.

However... Upon entering the room, I made an immediate about-face: the room had one king size bed!

I like Scott, but not that much! :lol:

To be fair: the original reservation I made was for a King, based on the fact that my wife was going to come with me and Scott and his lady were going to get their own room. However, we changed our plans to make it "just the guys," so I changed the reservation.

Upon arriving in the office, they informed me they had oversold the doubles and had none available. An attempt to offer me a roll-away was not returned with much enthusiasm! :err:

After lots of button-pushing, they gave us another key -- to a second room right next door, FOR FREE!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I had that idea in mind, and was probably going to ask for it if they hadn't offered it, but it was nice that they came through with that without my having to ask. :)

The room was very clean and comfortable. I liked the decor a lot. And the bed was very comfy! :p

My room number was 2113 and my buddy's was 2111, which is an average of...

2112! :headbang:

The best part, though, was bumping into members of Enchant that night and the following morning... :cool: ...and, of course, getting to hang with fellow Enchant fans on the premises! :p :p :p