Hotels for ProgPower USA XVII


Rock/Metal Warrior
Nov 24, 2015
Houston, TX
I know Glenn has posted several hotel options before, but I want to hear it from the forum members who have actually stayed in those hotels.

At this point in time, what would be my best option? Single room, good budget for accommodations.

Let me hear it...
I reserved 3 nights at the Marriott Suites Midtown for approx. 110 a night. Close to the venue...good parking. I think there are a few rooms left. Residence Inn is ridiculously priced. A few years ago I could get a room for 100 bucks.
I reserved 3 nights at the Marriott Suites Midtown for approx. 110 a night. Close to the venue...good parking. I think there are a few rooms left. Residence Inn is ridiculously priced. A few years ago I could get a room for 100 bucks.

It is currently about 150/night now, but probably still a good deal. I stayed there last year and really liked it. Better than the Residence Inn. Only downside is no free breakfast, but I'm not doing that anyways.

If you are looking for cheap, there is always America's Best, but I've heard that's a real hole-in-the-wall. People have gotten better deals further south, but I like to be at least walking distance.
Yes, the key here is your definition of "walking distance", as that varies from person to person.... especially at 2am if you stay to the end of each night, and how drunk you intend to be.

I have been going to PPUSA for 10 years straight and always stay at the America's Best (it was a Super 8 before that). It is walking distance, but it seems pretty long to me at the end of the night. I am an old fart, so I don't party until dawn like a lot of the regulars. I have been tempted many times to stay closer to the venue, but I prefer to spend that extra money on merch, beer and food. Being far enough away from all the hoopla allows for much needed sleep, which will be a premium now that we've expanded to 4 full days. There are no amenities at this place, so if you're looking for more of an up scale vacation experience, then this place may not be for you. I'm told they have breakfast, but I have never made it out of bed early enough to see it. I have heard countless complaints about this property, but I guess I'm either tolerant or just plain lucky....I have never had a problem. The staff has always been very accommodating to me if something needs to be resolved.

If you do decide to book there, make sure to sign up for their Value Club (free) and reserve with that membership number. You will get better rates, and cancellation policy.
I stayed at the Marriott at Midtown last year. Was walking distance for me as I was seated for most of the bands and I don't really party. The room was nice enough. Breakfast was included with the particular booking I did online but it obviously cost more per night to do that. It's not included at the baseline. I wanted breakfast because I wasn't sure how much more eating I'd be doing throughout the day. I pop out for some food in the afternoon during a set I don't particularly mind missing and then I'm set until the end.
The Residence Inn that is closest (1365 Peachtree) is ridiculously overpriced and the rooms are getting kind of dumpy. But on the plus side, it is super easy to run back in between sets to drop off a bag of merch or get a bite to eat in between sets without missing a band. I try to get in at least a couple of healthier meals while I am in town, so it's nice that they have a full fridge/freezer and they will do your grocery shopping for you if you leave a list. They also have free breakfast, but I think I've only dragged my butt out of bed in time to take advantage of it ONCE in ten ProgPowers. :tickled:
Yes, the key here is your definition of "walking distance", as that varies from person to person.... especially at 2am if you stay to the end of each night, and how drunk you intend to be.

I have been going to PPUSA for 10 years straight and always stay at the America's Best (it was a Super 8 before that). It is walking distance, but it seems pretty long to me at the end of the night. I am an old fart, so I don't party until dawn like a lot of the regulars. I have been tempted many times to stay closer to the venue, but I prefer to spend that extra money on merch, beer and food. Being far enough away from all the hoopla allows for much needed sleep, which will be a premium now that we've expanded to 4 full days. There are no amenities at this place, so if you're looking for more of an up scale vacation experience, then this place may not be for you. I'm told they have breakfast, but I have never made it out of bed early enough to see it. I have heard countless complaints about this property, but I guess I'm either tolerant or just plain lucky....I have never had a problem. The staff has always been very accommodating to me if something needs to be resolved.

If you do decide to book there, make sure to sign up for their Value Club (free) and reserve with that membership number. You will get better rates, and cancellation policy.
I'll second pretty much all of this. The walk feels long when you're lugging your merch haul, or if you're coming in from or going back to the MARTA to the airport. I know a lot of people talk shit on the America's Best, but it's cheap lodging that pretty much just works. No it's not fancy, the wallpaper is cheap, and the beds are about two rungs above "just ok," but for about half of what the nice places charge it's a good deal. There is free breakfast which consists of bananas, some small pastries like danish/bearclaws, bagels, cereal, and yogurt. My only real complaints against them have been non-functioning elevator (sucks at 2AM after the half-ish mile hike with a bag full of CDs and whatnot) and the inconsistency in shower water pressure and easy temp regulation.

I've had breakfast with Lance King at the America's Best, which is fun. And I've often seen KingsGene walking to/from etc. (one year I stashed my stuff in his room until my delayed roomate showed up to grab our room). I've been to the fest every year since 8, and all but two years I've stayed there. The other two I was with my attendee friend at his uncle's house out in Cumming.
There is the Four Seasons hotel on 14th Street that's within walking distance, and is next door to one of the two Starbucks in the area! And yes, SkiBumMSP and I have stayed there!

Back in 2010, the Artmore overbooked and offered to put those who were being bumped to the Four Seasons at the same price as the Artmore (around $190 per night). Of course that's the exception, not the rule! Normal rate is around $400 per night! :)

Seriously speaking, the Artmore, the Residence (on 17th Street) and the Marriott are all good places to stay. I have also stayed at the America's Best (back when it was the Sucky 8) and the Courtyard Techwood. The America's Best is OK if you don't mind the hike, and the Courtyard is a bit more of a hike, but it's next door to the Silver Skillet which offers a great breakfast!
My friend and I stay at the Marriott Suites, as well. I want to know how Artizan got the $110 per night rate. The suite with two double beds is $190 again this year.

Starbcks is right next door and has plenty of breakfast options in a pinch. Colony Square across the street (has a food court) is a good option for lunch. And the Saturday farmers market at Piedmont Park has Seven Sisters Scones - pure deliciousness. I even order them when they have shipping promos.

Definitely walking distance to the venue. You can make it to the room and back from Center Stage during a break without missing a band. In case you want to drop off stuff.

And Truly Great Cupcakes deliver their Metal cupcakes to it.

It is not a party hotel, though.
I'll go over the ones I've stayed at that still exist. (Fairfield Inn and Knights Inn is gone. I was going to stay at the Hampton Inn the year it shut down and had to scramble for alternate hotels.)

Residence Inn - This used to be a nice hotel, but it has gotten a bit shabby, particularly for the price. The main advantage is that it's close to the venue so you can drop stuff off. They also have a hot breakfast, if you mange to get up early enough for it.

Marriott Suites - Used to be expensive but has gotten more reasonable in recent years. Nice place to stay, probably has the nicest pool of all the places I've stayed. (Indoor/outdoor!)

Marriott Courtyard Techwood - If you have ever been to a Courtyard, you know what to expect. As said above, it is near the Silver Skillet, which is probably better than any free breakfast. This place was a pain in the ass when they had demolished the 10th street bridge one year.

Regency Suites Hotel - Been at this one a couple of times. Nice rooms, no pool, and a basic breakfast. Also right next to the Midtown metro station.

Hyatt Atlanta Midtown - Haven't stayed there since it became a Hyatt. It used to be an independent hotel. It was somewhat shabby, but it was cheap and it was where Priceline put me one year. I liked that it was spitting distance from Piedmont Park. Also some of the bands used to stay there.
Just throwing this out again like I do every year. I wont stay in the hotels in ATL any longer, they see our wallets coming from miles away, literally. We usually come in from Tuesday and leave Sunday, I went with Air BNB this year for the same condo I stayed in last year in Atlantic Station, 4th year down there now, the owner is super nice and we have all the creature comforts of home. Between 4 people for 5 days its only $1300.00 and is way way nicer than the hotels... Besides that everything is paid for well in advance. Just a good option for people that want to save money while enjoying nice condos.
