hottest guitars of the world..!

Colour is a bit gay but apart from that, it's pretty nice.

Throw yourself off the bridge.

Then what the fuck was it you were criticizing, cunt?

Horrible colour in my eyes, deal with it.

you forget how social interaction works out.

Hm, sounds paradoxical.

You, on the other hand, have to deal with the fact that you're just a rabid retarded fanboy with little to no knowledge on guitars, trying so hard to impress people with your semi-literate wits that

That's just wrong. He could be a Paul Gilbert-fanboy (not bad at all), but it's not true that he has "little to no knowledge" on guitars. And his posts helped A LOT of guitarplayers around here.
Yeah, I spend all day here at cobot just admiring your guitar knowledge.

Where did I say that I was a guitar god and that I knew everything because I was oh so wise about everything related to the instrument?

You said I know next to nothing which is complete bullshit.

Maybe you should read Corny's post under this one that I'm quoting. :rolleyes:

Knarfi said:
Its funny how people can act when someone hurt their feelings

Noone has hurt my feelings. I just find it extremely unnecessary for someone to just randomly tell me to throw myself off a bridge just because my opinion differs to his, even though he keeps saying that that's not the reason. If that's not it, then what the fucking hell is it?
@Corny: Let's put it this way. He'd like any guitar as long as OMGALEXI used it. Clear enough?

Your opinion was perfectly clear, but it is wrong especially when we're talking about Alexi Laiho. The fact that he critizises Laiho's playing on stage these days prooves that he's not a fanboy. He would't buy an ESP-Guitar, that's another evidence.

I tend to agree with nearly all of your postings on this board, because they're always good reasoned. But this time, you're just wrong.

EDIT: and writing the last two sentences: I really can't believe that you're serious at all.
@Joe; Youre just jealous that you didnt start the flamewar :rolleyes:

