HalfpintHenkka OriginalHalfpintyGoodness Jul 3, 2004 1,594 0 36 34 British Columbia, Canada storm.infinita.org Oct 14, 2004 #441 it's kinda hard to imagine myself being as old as my sisters.........................
Ustrel 1,000 eyes are watching Sep 1, 2004 259 0 16 Canada Oct 15, 2004 #442 ^secretly cannot wait to be as old as her sisters.
perfecterror Member Dec 13, 2003 2,426 18 38 Va Beach, VA, USA www.facebook.com Oct 15, 2004 #443 janne is HOT!
-Rivfader- Klingons on Uranus Oct 17, 2003 3,145 6 38 St. Louis Missouri USA Visit site Oct 15, 2004 #444 I have yet to make my decision on the hottest female um member. I will need nudes to help convince me of who teh hot.
I have yet to make my decision on the hottest female um member. I will need nudes to help convince me of who teh hot.
Abrasive-X Sexy Guitarist Jan 16, 2002 1,598 19 38 43 Quebec, Canada Visit site Oct 15, 2004 #445 yeah nudes could help! so send them to me ladies and I'll judge
delt and his staff Nov 27, 2001 2,511 5 38 48 Montréal, Canada www.deimos.ca Oct 15, 2004 #446 > it's kinda hard to imagine myself being as old as my sisters......................... YOU HAVE SISTERS????? PICS WHERE WHERE!!??!?±@£%¤¦@±¢%¤± no seriously, i also have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, so i'm like you except im a guy and i'm the oldest of the 5 =) ... and Janne seems even less muscular than me on that picture.
> it's kinda hard to imagine myself being as old as my sisters......................... YOU HAVE SISTERS????? PICS WHERE WHERE!!??!?±@£%¤¦@±¢%¤± no seriously, i also have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, so i'm like you except im a guy and i'm the oldest of the 5 =) ... and Janne seems even less muscular than me on that picture.
Dred His Dudeness Jan 8, 2002 6,800 1 38 40 Massachusetts Oct 15, 2004 #448 bobvex said: janne is a scrawny fucker Click to expand... my buddy looks kinda like janne, only goofier and w/ glasses.....and a bit meatier. and to completely destroy every opinion given thus far....i am by far the hottest UM member.......but tut comes in close second btw-spike you get 15 bonus points for all the bruce campell pics....and then i take them back because i can
bobvex said: janne is a scrawny fucker Click to expand... my buddy looks kinda like janne, only goofier and w/ glasses.....and a bit meatier. and to completely destroy every opinion given thus far....i am by far the hottest UM member.......but tut comes in close second btw-spike you get 15 bonus points for all the bruce campell pics....and then i take them back because i can
delt and his staff Nov 27, 2001 2,511 5 38 48 Montréal, Canada www.deimos.ca Oct 15, 2004 #450 in the movie "butterfly effect" there's a character who looks kinda like Janne but with blond hair. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
in the movie "butterfly effect" there's a character who looks kinda like Janne but with blond hair. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
HalfpintHenkka OriginalHalfpintyGoodness Jul 3, 2004 1,594 0 36 34 British Columbia, Canada storm.infinita.org Oct 15, 2004 #451 @delt: lol, speaking of The Butterfly Effect--my hometown is in The Butterfly Effect the part where the guy is at that cafe thingy is in my town... ...and my sisters are taken btw.
@delt: lol, speaking of The Butterfly Effect--my hometown is in The Butterfly Effect the part where the guy is at that cafe thingy is in my town... ...and my sisters are taken btw.
MetalWarheart666 I Kamp Med Kvitekrist Apr 3, 2004 446 0 16 37 Under A Funeral Moon, Ontario, Canada www.mistressovmetal666.vze.com Oct 15, 2004 #452 Abrasive-X said: .... Click to expand... ^^Hot
HalfpintHenkka OriginalHalfpintyGoodness Jul 3, 2004 1,594 0 36 34 British Columbia, Canada storm.infinita.org Oct 16, 2004 #453 bobvex said: janne is a scrawny fucker Click to expand... it take one to know one.
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Oct 17, 2004 #454 ooooohh! bob-so-just-got-owned!
delt and his staff Nov 27, 2001 2,511 5 38 48 Montréal, Canada www.deimos.ca Oct 17, 2004 #455 Halfie: thats cool 2 or 3 years ago they filmed some stuff near my parents home for a hollywood movie, but i dont remember which. i dont even remember if those scenes were used anyway.
Halfie: thats cool 2 or 3 years ago they filmed some stuff near my parents home for a hollywood movie, but i dont remember which. i dont even remember if those scenes were used anyway.
HalfpintHenkka OriginalHalfpintyGoodness Jul 3, 2004 1,594 0 36 34 British Columbia, Canada storm.infinita.org Oct 18, 2004 #456 Spike said: ooooohh! bob-so-just-got-owned! Click to expand... *sweeps a curtsy* 'tis my specialty.
B bobvex Teh Forum Fuhrer Sep 16, 2002 9,043 30 48 Oct 19, 2004 #457 HalfpintHenkka said: it take one to know one. Click to expand... id also like to add leprosy to my list (shredderofriffs' drummer http://acapella.harmony-central.com/ubb/mad.gif
HalfpintHenkka said: it take one to know one. Click to expand... id also like to add leprosy to my list (shredderofriffs' drummer http://acapella.harmony-central.com/ubb/mad.gif
HalfpintHenkka OriginalHalfpintyGoodness Jul 3, 2004 1,594 0 36 34 British Columbia, Canada storm.infinita.org Oct 20, 2004 #458 ...hey, Bob, i didn't mean it in a bad way...jeeeeeeeeeeez!
Profanity The Post Master Jul 3, 2003 32,140 349 83 41 Manchester, England, UK Oct 20, 2004 #459 You can tell how hot someone is by their screen name.
MetalWarheart666 I Kamp Med Kvitekrist Apr 3, 2004 446 0 16 37 Under A Funeral Moon, Ontario, Canada www.mistressovmetal666.vze.com Oct 20, 2004 #460 :| You can eh?