Hottest UM Member??

Pest said:
so when are you 2 getting married.
right after me and johanna
Heavenscent said:
@ Spike, with all my heart:

Thanks Twat. *does not have time to phrase suitably witty visual reply*

HalfpintHenkka said:
ha. i win. :D
No dear, I was just being patronising and sarcastically agreeing with you to make you feel better. You should know better than that. :Smug:

HalfpintHenkka said:
yes that spelled "YOU" wrong, tho...if it helps any;)
It helps.... immensely. :rolleyes:

HalfpintHenkka said:
nah, it's more of a case of "Halfie is tougher than Spike thinks"
Any rugby player worth his salt woulda wiped the floor with ya. ;) Either he's a pansy masquerading as an aussie (and a football player), or there's something you're not telling us.... like you play grid iron for an N.F.L. team in your spare time. I mean, we're talking about Halfpint"I Have An Ongoing Disagreement With Gravity" Henkka here. :rolleyes:

HalfpintHenkka said:
whoa, you mean i actually impressed somebody? me, the most boring person in the world? lol
You impress people far more often than you think, little one.

HalfpintHenkka said:
hehe, i like 'kumquat' better than 'truncheon' or 'muffin'. being named after fruit is better than being called "Angie".
You do realise you've just sealed your fate in doom don't you.... kumquat? :Smug: Everyone else feel free to jump on the bandwagon since as you can see, milady has endorsed 'kumquat' and given her full approval. ;)

HalfpintHenkka said:
...ah, the magic of...EDIT! *grrrrr*
Pardon? :Saint:

NB: Too much Absinth makes for an interesting night. *hic*
Spike said:
No dear, I was just being patronising and sarcastically agreeing with you to make you feel better. You should know better than that. :Smug:

either way, i'm still right.

Spike said:
It helps.... immensely. :rolleyes:

you're too sarcastic, you know that?

Spike said:
Any rugby player worth his salt woulda wiped the floor with ya. ;) Either he's a pansy masquerading as an aussie (and a football player), or there's something you're not telling us.... like you play grid iron for an N.F.L. team in your spare time. I mean, we're talking about Halfpint"I Have An Ongoing Disagreement With Gravity" Henkka here. :rolleyes:

FYI, we're also talking about Halfpint "I Grew Up With 2 Big Bros And All Their Barbaric Friends" Henkka; ergo from a young age i was already holding my ground against guys twice my size. but if it's any help in clearing up this matter, the reason why it DIDN'T work was because Steve pushed a tad too hard on my forehead and pushed me over.

Spike said:
You impress people far more often than you think, little one.

haha, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. *rolls eyes*

Spike said:
You do realise you've just sealed your fate in doom don't you.... kumquat? :Smug: Everyone else feel free to jump on the bandwagon since as you can see, milady has endorsed 'kumquat' and given her full approval. ;)

i've been called worse. "Kumquat" is much better than "Papaya" or "Rambutan", you know...and it's better than being called "Sushi", too.

Spike said:

harharhar. :Smug:
Spike said:
I do believe Pest is refering to the way the both of us get along...
ding ding ding! we have a winner! so what will it be? shall i send you 2 off to disney world where you can get your jollies off on hugging life sized teddy bears? or would you opt for a years supply of used condoms?:)