How are my DI's?

Brandon E.

May 9, 2007
So I come asking for help from you much more knowledgeable than myself sneap forumers...

My band wants to record our next album ourselves and send it out to be reamped/mixed/mastered, but before I start the recordings, I want to make sure my DI's don't totally suck. I'm hoping somebody can just quickly run these through a real amp and tell me if they sound any good

So here's the link :) :'

Thanks in advance!

Updated link:
anyone? I'd really like to start recording the album right away but first I need to know that my DI's will suffice, or if I have to order some better gear
I didn't try reamping them, just had a look and saw the level was quite low. Try getting the peaks around -3db (currently around -10), or even closer to 0 as long as they don't clip (some people may bitch and moan about the level being that hot, but this is what works best for me). Reamp boxes can be lossy so getting the level closer to 0 helps the end result to sound the same as if the guitar was plugged straight into the amp.

I will give an example of reamping with the level they currently are and once I boost them up a little for comparison. Will post the results here soon.
Here is a sample of the way they are: -as is- DI Test.mp3

Here is a sample of them boosted in the DAW -Boosted- DI Test-.mp3

You can hear the difference in Gain particularly on the palm muted stuff.

I think they are useable the way they are with the DAW boost, but they could probably bnefit from a little higher level. Also, try digging a little harder at the strings on the palm mutes to give them a bit more chunk and definition.

I just turned the amp on, tweaked the Gain a little and hit record so the tone may not be the best. Amp settings are the same on both clips obviously also. Tracks have HP/LP only.

I hope they are useful.
Thanks a lot! I'll definitely do them with the level up higher now. I was sort've expecting a "holy shit dude, throw away your interface right now!", so you don't feel it really essential for me to upgrade DI box and interface? I definitely don't want to record a whole CD of stuff and have to redo it because my gear just didn't cut it.
I'll give these a shot when you post ones that are recorded a bit louder. Loudest peaks should be around -3dB when you are really slamming the strings. Just WACK away at the guitar and twist your preamp gain knob till its under clipping. Don't worry too much about numbers. No clipping=win.
I dialled the amp in a little nicer than the first time to maybe give you a better idea of how the DI's sound (although it's hard to really dial in a sound without the mix of course). Does the guitar used have a trem? There is not a lot of bottom end in the DI's. Not disastrous though, just an observation. -Boosted- DI Test V2.mp3

this sounds GREAT to me! You are right about the trem, those DI's were my Caparison Horus HGS strung with 12-68s in standard C with an EMG 85 in the bridge, right into the hi-z input on my :ill: Tascam US-122L interface (yeah yeah, i know)

I'll record some DI's taking into account all of your suggestions. Hotter signal, more violent picking, string thru bridge, and fresh strings why not. I have a string thru guitar I could use (schecter c-1) but it has an SD custom in the bridge so It will sound quite a bit different. I guess I'll make DI's of both guitars :)
Alright! Recorded some new DI's on my Horus. The same riff everybody hates by now, just for comparisons sake. I couldn't do the Schecter because my 68s dont fit through the tuners :cry: and I had no other strings to put on it.

I did 4 tracks this time, just because why not. The level was probably TOO high this time, but no clipping.

So here they are:

EDIT: Backing track removed, it was too embarassing :ill:
Hey thanks! How high do you think they should be? I've been reading it should peak around -3db, I assume that means that it hits 3db when you hit the strings as absolutely hard as you can?