How are you going to die lol!

Bastard child

Jul 26, 2005
Qc, Canada
Probably old

While driving, you fail to immediately pull over for speeding when signalled by the cop car behind you. While stopped, you attempt to open your glove compartment, and the rookie cop nervously opens fire on you. You are struck several times and die on the scene

:lol: That's awesome
Damn mine's painful :erk:... I think I'm more likely to do this to someone else!


As the unfortunate target of a serial killer, your face is skinned using steel wool and subsequently doused with bleach. While you're still alive, your face is then doused with ammonia. The bleach and ammonia chemically react and melt the remaining flesh from your skull.
Or you can be using the restroom and the fire alarm goes off. Then you panic and try to run out with your pants around your legs but you trip and find a snake in there. It bites your ass and with the sudden pain you crash through the window and you are very bloody. Then you run into a ugly fat person, they kick your ass. You try to run away and a car going at the speed of 100 runs you over.
Or you can be using the restroom and the fire alarm goes off. Then you panic and try to run out with your pants around your legs but you trip and find a snake in there. It bites your ass and with the sudden pain you crash through the window and you are very bloody. Then you run into a ugly fat person, they kick your ass. You try to run away and a car going at the speed of 100 runs you over.
:lol: :lol: :lol: that is SO gonna happen to you!
While you're having lunch at an outdoor cafe, a suicide bomber blows himself up next to you.

Not funny :erk: