How are you guys doin?

Yeah I'm curious to see how that all goes. I know that this kind of thing gets into FREEDUMB arguments and that aspect is playing out how one would expect from Texas v. California.

I'm still wearing a mask indoors but outside I don't (except at gas stations because people are just fucking weird at gas stations). But I'm also giving a lot less fucks about it all at this point.
The order doesnt go into effect until Wednesday. Honestly, not much will change. Businesses are still free to require masks on customers. Some have signaled that they will follow the CDC recommendations, others will leave it up to the customer to choose.

I have to wear one while at work anyway.

The biggest change will be the capacities at restaurants. No more roping off tables.

The governor mostly did this for political points. The ice storm was a fiasco (even though he literally has nothing to do with the power grid), and some people were looking to blame him.
A lot of the older people in my office (theres 10 employees total in the entire company) are starting to get their shots. Funny how they're the ones who downplayed this entire thing for the last year but they were knocking down the door of the pharmacy to get scheduled ASAP. Whatever, I'm glad. There's still no evidence that the vaccine prevents you from spreading it around, but things are looking pretty good at the moment. I just hope that the 30+ age group can get taken care of soon enough...
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Getting my first shot of the Moderna vaccine tomorrow. Texas opened up availability to teachers last week so I jumped on that.
It's honestly a fucking crime that teachers weren't first in line back in 2020. Front line medical workers are obviously the "most eligible" group, but right behind them should have been any teacher who was physically required to be at work. I completely agree that our senior citizens don't deserve to die while cooped up in a shitty nursing home, but they aren't as important as teachers. It's just a fact for me.
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Not getting that horse shit. My body, my choice. Thats the old adage is it not?

Glad to see gyms opening up, been going to mine on the d-low for months. Poor business owners have to have uber off hours in case the commie health dept shows up to shut the joint down. Theyve shown up twice, but during normie hours. Live like a vampyr and thrive.

Re: Life- Everything fantastic sans work. Mgmt legit on my job classification's ass for making stacks last year. Legit said, "derp you guys make too much money, no more OT you peasants." All the while this cocksucker rakes in a quarter mil a year to have two hr breakfast play dates. FOAD.

Cooking and working out more to fill the void.
So who has traveled during all this bullshit? I'm about to take a road trip to somewhere far away and normally that means breathing deep the new interstate exhaust fumes until I leave pavement but I'm not sure how advisable that may / mayn't be.

Don't even know where I'm going yet. But I got new tires today so just need a new battery and a giant middle finger to whatever is behind me for a week, and I'm good to go.
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So who has traveled during all this bullshit? I'm about to take a road trip to somewhere far away and normally that means breathing deep the new interstate exhaust fumes until I leave pavement but I'm not sure how advisable that may / mayn't be.

Don't even know where I'm going yet. But I got new tires today so just need a new battery and a giant middle finger to whatever is behind me for a week, and I'm good to go.

In the past 12months, I've been to AZ/NV thrice (wimpy distances that barely amount to a road trip), Utah once (which was lovely as always.) Pretty much resolved to the notion of dying in that state.

Have a big road trip to Grand Tetons/Yellowstone slated for end of May/early June.

Covid derailed my plans to go to Bermuda last year, but I'll be damned if i'm going to be confined to the borders of CCPfornia.
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lol @ CCPfornia dude you have no idea how many Russian fuzz pedals I bought last year (one, exactly).

Wait that would be CCCP shit I'm too drunk to recursively spell apparently. Also: I fucking love Utah, even with their 2% beers or whatever the legal limit is.
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i was in the post office earlier today, and the postal worker asked a lady in line if she had a mask. She didn't, so the postal worker told her she needed to leave the building and get a mask. The lady proceeded to say "you are discriminating against me". I should have lolled in her face.

People are fucking retarded.
We're currently still not allowed/meant to travel outside our local area. I think that's being relaxed at the end of the month though. But yeah I won't bother until restaurants and bars are back open. I have a vacation abroad booked in September which should be ok, but then I said the same about the last two.
So who has traveled during all this bullshit? I'm about to take a road trip to somewhere far away and normally that means breathing deep the new interstate exhaust fumes until I leave pavement but I'm not sure how advisable that may / mayn't be.

Don't even know where I'm going yet. But I got new tires today so just need a new battery and a giant middle finger to whatever is behind me for a week, and I'm good to go.
did a two week road trip from montana to san fran back in October. Pretty easy with.the covid in those parts