How are you guys doin?

Opeth35 if he ever returns

A bit concerning that we haven't heard from him, actually. He's in Corpus Christi, right? They might be having a harder time dealing with this than we are, given that they are a coastal resort town that should be having warm tropical weather. :/

Yeah, I get that people screwed up, our power supplies aren't adequate, etc. But who could have predicted that the entire freaking state would be frozen from the tip of the panhandle in the north to the beaches of our southern Gulf Coast. Really, wtf.
The only comedy in this situation comes from the idiots who are blaming this on renewable energy and democratic policies (while under GOP leadership). That's bad enough, but then you have millions of people who accept that as the answer. Absolute madness.
"I've pretty much given up on Michael doing the right thing, or the decent thing, or even the comprehensible thing."

-- Dwight Schrute

this, but it's me and america
dude i was JUST listening to that album and then i clicked this thread and saw your post five minutes later, that's so weird

in fact what i did was i stumbled upon a recent-ish live recording where they played walk the path of sorrow and i realized you could actually hear the lyrics pretty clearly (because they are not otherwise available in the booklet or elsewhere) so i fired up NOTEPAD.EXE and transcribed them and then i listened to the real version and double checked my work

in the deep valleys of sorrow
lies my heart and my black soul
beyond the mountains
there must be a key to the gate

my path it leads on
weakened once again
walk the path of sorrow
in an eternal search
for a new world

two shades of the midnight fire
in the night sky

walk with me
on my search for
the essence to open
those gates

and still we must walk
the path of sorrow
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He loves the snow
dude i was JUST listening to that album and then i clicked this thread and saw your post five minutes later, that's so weird

in fact what i did was i stumbled upon a recent-ish live recording where they played walk the path of sorrow and i realized you could actually hear the lyrics pretty clearly (because they are not otherwise available in the booklet or elsewhere) so i fired up NOTEPAD.EXE and transcribed them and then i listened to the real version and double checked my work

This is some real esoteric knowledge right here
And just like that, we went from -2 degrees a few mornings ago to 73 degrees yesterday. Everything is back to normal other than the ongoing repairs and cleanup. People on variable rate electricity plans, who were actually able to use power during the cold snap, now have electric bills in the thousands of dollars. The governor is working to correct that mess, though. My apartment never flooded, thankfully. Moving to my new apartment on Saturday, weeee.
I'm not going to lie man... I did not detect any sarcasm at all. For that I apologize. I'm glad that you didn't incur a gigantic loss though. That's some true luck (although I have no idea about the average impact to your geographical location).
No worries. Im just lucky Im across the street from a hospital and have 2 more down the road along with a fire station. Pretty sure that saved my ass.

While I did not lose anything or suffer power or water loss, plenty of people close to me did.
My floor at work flooded from busted pipes in the ceiling last week. I was afraid of that considering the building is nearly 150 years old. They haven't told us the exact extent of the damage in my office, but shit. I dread finding out. I've seen footage from the rest of the floor and it's not good. I had a box full of personal belongings sitting on top of my cubicle. I was supposed to resume working in-office next week, but we'll see.
Texas 100% open. Fuck masks.

California bars open but NO DANCING. Disneyland and similar within weeks. Masks required and limited capacities.

Me? I just want sushi. So very bad. I wouldn't kill for it, yet, but I may die for it, soon!
Everyone is still wearing them around here. Required at my work, and I think the majority of people in the big metro areas will continue to wear them.

Only difference I've seen so far is that my fave bbq place didn't have any tables taped off or spaced out yesterday. Every table was open and almost every table was occupied.