How are you guys doin?

Frozen, you say?





I could have found a way to the office if they were allowing us in. But no, we're not going back until March 1st due to covid. So, stuck at home with no power, no internet, barely functioning phone, but still expected to do my job online. K.
Do y'all get rolling blackouts during the summer as well? We get that out west on windy days to prevent/reduce fires, used to be in summer/fall only but already had a few in January this year. Fire season is now year-round in California. 100% normal and not climate change at all.

How often does it get that cold in Texas?! Shit is nuts.
This is entirely new to us. Ive lived here about 40 out of my 43 years and Ive never seen this.

To put it in perspective, Tuesday morning will be the coldest its been since 1899.
@NAD We occasionally have rolling blackouts during the summer if we have a particularly hot day. But nothing like this, not every 2 hours (or less).

The inside of my living room window is caked in ice. Really hoping that old shitty glass doesn't crack.
CT used to be like Texas every winter. Sometimes it was more mild, but it was always "winter". Now we've moved into this crazy shit where

Summer = long period of tropical humidity and heat from like May-September

Fall / early Winter = a few months of ultra mild temps with tons of rain

actual Winter = a relatively quick cold snap (Jan through early March) where the majority of the precipitation is mixed or straight-up ice

Springtime = 3-6 weeks, who knows what the weather will be like.
Here it's been the most consistently cold winter of the 21st century so far, but it's pretty much in the norm of what I experienced every year as a kid, so, weather back to business I guess?

We'll see. Of course climate change is a hoax, everyone knows that! Did the Star Wars girl get pinned for that too?
This is entirely new to us. Ive lived here about 40 out of my 43 years and Ive never seen this.

To put it in perspective, Tuesday morning will be the coldest its been since 1899.
This shit sucks so hard
Sideways snow all day. Trucks sliding everywhere and getting stuck
Fucking Cold!!!

I did get my covid shot today though

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I guess the poor neighborhoods (like mine) get it worse with longer outages.

Check out the goddamned ice on the INSIDE of my living room window. What the fuck.


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Just went over to check on things. The power is still out at my apartment and in the surrounding neighborhood. Very sad. Somehow my apartment is still at 60 degrees.

Management emailed residents directing us to turn on our hot water, until it runs hot, every hour until power is restored. There is no fucking hot water because the boilers also use electricity.