How are you guys doin?

Still waiting on some sunglasses that have been in "pre-shipment" since January 14th. The company is going to send out another pair if the tracking doesn't update by the 3rd. Might end up receiving both pairs a year from now. :D
Replacement sunglasses were sent yesterday, and luckily the tracking is updating this time. First pair shipped on January 14th is still stuck on pre-shipment.

FedEx, on the other hand, has been killing it lately with delivering my stuff right on time, if not early.
Amazon has been mostly spot on with their drivers.
USPS is spotty, at best.
UPS fucked up today.

I'm not understanding why this is hard.

The COVID excuse is so 2020
they wont adapt. They are stuck in the 80's/90's
Some of our rural carriers on bigger routes have 300 packages everyday.
Post Office wont change and figure out a better way. So everybody gets screwed
The USPS is union, so it makes sense. Unions always fight change and technology improvements. They are scared the tech will replace workers.

I know. I used to be in a union. Now I manage union workers. I've never seen such prima donnas in my life.

When your job depends on seniority, and not performance, your veterans dont do shit and the union fights when we try to hold them accountable.
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Ready for Super Sunday!

Got me some shrimp. Gonna make some shrimp cocktail with my homemade cocktail sauce.

Gonna make me some bomb-ass chili. Then I'll use said chili for some kickass chili nachos and eat the leftover chili for the remainder of the week.

C'mon Tom. One last ring. :kickass:
I took a nap during the game, because Im at work now. From what Ive gathered from espn and facebook, I didnt miss much at all. Judging by the score, the game seems more like a pro team vs junior varsity. And everyone said the halftime show was shit with a bunch of dudes with jockstraps on their heads.

Apparently, this was the highlight:

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I've never heard Th Wknd before tonight and he was fucking boring. I mean that was just bland. So I'm sure he's insanely popular. The dame that did America the Beautiful was pretty good and has a great rack. H.E.R., whom I think I saw on SNL once.

The game was great if you wanted to watch an old man completely own a fantastic team. The Bucs became a machine about halfway through this season and they just steamrolled everything in their path. It was a glorious thing to witness tonight, if you were a fan of Tom Brady.

Also it was pretty clear that these two teams were not on the best of terms. Some dude from KC got into Tom Brady's face and then on the sideline you could clearly see Brady say "fuck him" as the KC dude pretty much freaked out the rest of the game. High school drama, teehee.

EDIT: I changed bint to dame because I liked her guitar solo.
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Here in Dallas we're expecting a low of 3 degrees on Monday, which is unheard of and for which we're not prepared. Until then it seems like it's going to hover between 15 to 30 degrees. I've got 2 weeks left in this shitty apartment. Everything packed up, boxes of new furniture everywhere. I won't run the central heat because the last time I did that (in a previous apartment at the same complex), it set my apartment ablaze. So I'm at the mercy of Amazon to actually deliver two oil heaters on time (local stores are sold out). Really hoping to get through this without neighbors setting us on fire or pipes busting and flooding all my stuff. All with 2 weeks left, ugh.
Yeah, over 130 cars and 6 people dead so far, just from that one accident. Drivers are saying that it seemed like the road wasn't treated in that area, like it had been fine everywhere else and then suddenly boom, no road treatment whatsoever.