How Are You Guys Palm Muting Staccato Riffs Without Getting String/Pick-up Noise

tried a MIDI gate!?
sometimes it works very good...

if it desn't, edit by hand.


i have this damper thing, didn't notice any improvement. it's also made to silence string noise that's
behind the nut and nothing else.
live -> noisegate
studio -> edit by hand.
both -> practice.



if its from the higher strings you can mute them, as pointed out. tape or some kind of tissue works for me.
but I guess you mean the noise coming from the lower strings when the hand gets on it....that kind of metallish sound after the chord mutes. cant to much about it, cause even with tight playing theres some of it in there I think
Might as well ask in this thread..
Besides dampening above the trussrodcover, under that part of the strings, do you guys put foam (or whatever dampening) behind the saddle? and on the fretboard? :)
I've never tried putting foam on my gits yet.. but I will, since it will probably solve some problems..
I'm going to add a worthless comment which is when you edit please leave enough of a tail that it sounds natural. Way too many guys are using the special effect "choke" sound for every single palm mute edit and it sounds ridiculous.

I agree with this as well. It sounds so choppy and unrealistic. I'm all for being as tight as possible but there is a line that should be drawn.
Thanks for all the suggestions. i do use tissue for the high e and b strings if they're not going to be played, but i can't foam the low strings, since i realase to an open drop b tuning. The problem isn't that any strings ring out in the silent measure, it's the actual final palm mute - the noise made when my hand deadens (puts the brakes on) the last chord of the measure - with the low tuning and the high gain, the actual pushing down on the strings is "heard" by the pick-up as a low frequancy, quick bark. This low freq cannot be suppresed with a noise gate. Gotta go with Jeff, get carpal tunnel, and edit the end of "the blobs"
BTW, I'm not too concerned live - with all the ambient noise on stage, no one will hear it, or care.