no dude.
I hate pool.
I suck at it and I don't play.
I just sit there, watch TV and chain smoke.
Actually, last week my cool owner sold the place.
this was pool hall then:
(on the phone)
owner: hey buddy.
me: hey
owner: any business?
me: nope
owner: fuck. (pause) ok see ya later buddy.
now some peppy young lady owns it.
and she makes me clean the place compulsively, smile at the costumers, not put my feet on the counter, and pay for every bag of chips I consume.
She's like renovating the entire place, new sticks, new table, computerized cash register thing, three seperate books to keep, new video games, etc.
if this place gets all busy and I have to work most of the time, I'm totally quitting.
the fat kid who works Wednesday's already quit.
He used to just bring in his playstation 2, hook it up and eat 20 bags of chips without paying for them.
he can't deal with the new pressures of the job.