How big of a fan is Will??

look at the size of his compared to the one you gave me lol
:lol: I'm fine not getting Van's kit. I can play guitars, so I'm able to use the ones I bought from the current and former members... now, if JIM wanted to sell a bass, I'd be all over that.
I'm sure he'll let them go, shipping included, for a couple of blowjobs.

Provided that you swallow.
If it's in Seattle, I'd go pick it up if the price is reasonable.
I'm sure I'd be fine... Usually the only time you get hassled at the border as a Canadian is going INTO the states.
Whenever I make my way into the States, they always give me the third degree, look through my vehicle, etc. This is at the terminal, not the "tear your fucking vehicle apart because they think you're bringing drugs or meat across the border."

Whenever I make my way into Canada from the States, usually it's, "Where's home?" "Did you buy anything while down there?" "Have a good day." The last time I went through was at like, 2:30am and all they did was ask my name, where I lived, then waved me through. Didn't even want my ID or anything.