how can i get this drum sound?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
Drums sounds so massive. Ive listened to this song on so many different audio systems (different cars, home theaters, etc) and the drums sound so beefy especially the snare it almost sounds like a low tom.

I've tried to get the sound with different drum samples, and eq'ing, but i still cannot get that beefy snare i just love the way it sounds when i sit in a car with a nice system the snare kicks my ass, ive tried comparing different artists in the same acoustic environment but none of them sound like this, these drums just have something special added to them, download or buy the mp3 you'll see what i mean.

in case i didn't embed the code right heres the link:
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search who recorded and or mixed the song and ask him to record/mix your song as well.
and bam.....there you got the sound.
Reminds me of this Snare sound:

Gavin Harrison, using a Sonor SQ2 Kit
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Have you tried finding a snare with that same hollow, pop sort of sound and pitching it down a bit?