How can I get this guitar tone recorded?


New Metal Member
Jan 25, 2008
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to pick everyones brain about how to get this tone. Its Doug Aldrigh from the new Whitesnake record. Its a Marshall Vintage Modern but main its so fat and richly recorded. I wonder how much post production was done. My recordings sound good but no where close to this kinda of guitar tone. Anyone have any ideas? Check out the first song Best Years.

Well, its multitracked for one, and Mr Aldrich probably doesn't skimp in the cab and axe dept either given his status as a Nat'l recording artist. The tone is fat, sounds likely a LP, and I would venture that much of the 'detailed' aspects of this is how it is recorded as well. I see you posted the same question on his forum. He has a couple different sites on the net you may be able to get a personal response, but he's probably pretty busy and most artists just don't let in beyond a very close circle..
That does sound really killer for this type of music, I can't deny - I didn't expect a Vintage Modern to have that much balls (relatively speaking).
Thanks, no one really seems to have that info on his site. I was hoping someone hear had some ideas on how to capture the tone. Not the exact tone, but just the essence of that, ballsy, harmonically rich but very big.

Dude, sounds like there's some kinda fuzz pedal action or something going on for sure at the start.
The Vintage Modern series is supposed to be very good, glad I'm getting to hear one finally.
Doug Aldrich has more than one amp. He's touring with a CAA OD 100, so I think that might be in there too, and he's known to have a shitload of vintage marshalls, modified by John Suhr, and he has his own Suhr pickups.
yeah, I gotta say Coverdale sounds great too. I'm venturing to say he's using a modded head there. I know guys (major tone snobs on another forum) who have tried the Vin Modern and it seems a hit n miss with the crowd. I do consider the OD 100 a likely end of my grail tone search as I've been wanting one for years and never could bring myself to finally cough up the 2k or so for one. Those amps kick ass-period.
I will soon tho and then I will hopefully be almost done save for maybe a Guytron for the clean/blues/jazzy stuff.

I have a few of the older Marshalls tho, so as long as guys like this use the gear of old with the new, I guess I can keep the value my investments much like an old LP seems to keep holding theirs.