How can I improve this ?

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hello everybody,

Here is a little extract from the album I'm producing right now :

I'd like you to give me your valuable opinions on this, the mix, the mastering... What can I do to improve it ? I think I'll lower the low frequencies (but how much and at which frequency, I don't know yet...) and probably reduce a bit of highs on the kicks (sounds too triggish)... But beside this, any suggestions ?

Thank you guys, I can't wait to read your advices !

Hi Brett

Downloaded your song @ home but could only listen to it over headphones (if I would hear it over speakers at this time my girlfriend would killing me) :loco:

My first impression was: Sound's Killer man, but PLEASE change the snare sound. Doesn't fit to the song. And don't touch the kicks. They fit perfect.
Have to listen to it tomorrow over speakers, maybe it sounds different.
I'll give you closing report.

Btw: next time I wanna listen the hole song....... ;)
I disagree with Frank'nfurter, I think that the snare sound fits the song perfectly, it just has the right vibe for me. The overall sound is very good, and the kick sound is good. The only thing that bothers me is that I think that the kicks are little too loud, other than that, excellent work.
Hey Brett,

I took a listen to your mix and the only thing I heard was bring the kick and snare down a db or 2.

I agree with lifedrums...Maybe compress the high frequencies of the kick a little more so they fade out quicker....Maybe more compression on the snare...To me, it sounds like they both take up too much space, need to be punchier. Let the guitars come through more.

But it sounds great even if you leave it. Good work, I didn't want the song to end!

By the way, is it me, or lately are people in this forum putting up some pretty impressive sounds these days?!! Seriously, I've got some catching up to do!
Hi Brett
Muuuaaaahh, morning. Now girlfriend is went away and I can make it LOUD as F***, hehehe....
I agree with Liferdrums. 1 or 2dB lesser on the Kick would be fine but I disagree with Lopez. The snare sound turns me mad. I would try to mix the snare sound in apTrigga with a higher and clearer one and give two or three notches of a medium room or hall so you can set the snare little bit in the background, but hey, that's personal taste and opinion, you know.

O SHIT, one of my speaker's are gone....:OMG: ......good work Brett.....
Hello again,

Great Input by all here. You may want to try taking 2-3 db out of 500hz to take some of the boxiness out of the snare. It might open it up a bit and push it back some with a light ratio of compression., maybe 2.75:1.

Hello everybody,

Thank you very much for sharing your opinions !!!

Sorry for your speaker Frank, is it really my fault ? ;) Concerning the snare, well, that's how the drummer wants it to sound... It's 100% natural (no trigs). I would probably have killed the harmonic a little bit, but I'll wait for him to tell me to (a matter of time I guess, hehe)... I also think it's a bit loud... But hey, the customer is always right isn't it ? No, he isn't ? Oh, well, then I'll try to beg the band :) Actually they are a kick n' snare based band...

Your last post is funny Liferdrums (about the 500Hz eq), because that's exactly what I've been thinking in the car driving back from the "garage-studio" and listening to the tracks...

About the snare comp, damn it, it's already very compressed (but probably badly compressed...). I guess I still have to fight for it... I don't remember the settings exactly, but it has a rather long attack (something like 50ms), a release of 15ms maybe, and a ratio of 7:1.

Anyway, here you can find another mp3 (the second part of the song) with different kick eq (less highs), bass (less bottom), guitars (less bottom too) and mastering (heavily lowering the low end). Hope you find it better :dopey:

Thanks again,

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hello everybody,

Here is a little extract from the album I'm producing right now :

I'd like you to give me your valuable opinions on this, the mix, the mastering... What can I do to improve it ? I think I'll lower the low frequencies (but how much and at which frequency, I don't know yet...) and probably reduce a bit of highs on the kicks (sounds too triggish)... But beside this, any suggestions ?

Thank you guys, I can't wait to read your advices !

Sounds very good, but I don't think the snare sound is right either. Its a metal snare with a touch of room verb, correct?

Try blending in some wooden snare (a pearl masterworks birch shell complements a metal shell like the ayotte keplinger perfectly imo).

I'd kill thr reverb a bit too, sounds boxy.

The kick is maybe slightly too fat but thats just a personal preference.

Other than that it sounds great, good job.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hello everybody,

Thank you very much for sharing your opinions !!!

Sorry for your speaker Frank, is it really my fault ? ;) Concerning the snare, well, that's how the drummer wants it to sound... It's 100% natural (no trigs). I would probably have killed the harmonic a little bit, but I'll wait for him to tell me to (a matter of time I guess, hehe)... I also think it's a bit loud... But hey, the customer is always right isn't it ? No, he isn't ? Oh, well, then I'll try to beg the band :) Actually they are a kick n' snare based band...

Your last post is funny Liferdrums (about the 500Hz eq), because that's exactly what I've been thinking in the car driving back from the "garage-studio" and listening to the tracks...

About the snare comp, damn it, it's already very compressed (but probably badly compressed...). I guess I still have to fight for it... I don't remember the settings exactly, but it has a rather long attack (something like 50ms), a release of 15ms maybe, and a ratio of 7:1.

Anyway, here you can find another mp3 (the second part of the song) with different kick eq (less highs), bass (less bottom), guitars (less bottom too) and mastering (heavily lowering the low end). Hope you find it better :dopey:

Thanks again,

This mix is a bit more FM friendly and personally, I think the best place to be is a happy medium between both of those mixes.
By "FM Friendly" what do you mean exactly ? That I took too much of the low ends ?

Its a metal snare with a touch of room verb, correct?

He he, actually none of those =) It's a mapple snare with a touch of plate verb, but I agree that it sounds a lot like a metal one...

I've been listening to some albums this evening, comparing to my mix, and on the biggest productions, the low ends (I guess...) seemed overwhelming, they were really wrapping everything... I don't know how to explain... They make the whole thing sound HUGE... But on my mix they make things too boomy... I'm not sure if I'm clear about this :eek:) Anyway, I know this is something that's being done at the mastering stage, but what is it exactly ? Anyone has an idea ? Multiband compressor/limiter ? MaxxBass ?

By the way, I got the band's benediction to lower the harmonic on the snare =)
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
By "FM Friendly" what do you mean exactly ? That I took too much of the low ends ?

He he, actually none of those =) It's a mapple snare with a touch of plate verb, but I agree that it sounds a lot like a metal one...

I've been listening to some albums this evening, comparing to my mix, and on the biggest productions, the low ends (I guess...) seemed overwhelming, they were really wrapping everything... I don't know how to explain... They make the whole thing sound HUGE... But on my mix they make things too boomy... I'm not sure if I'm clear about this :eek:) Anyway, I know this is something that's being done at the mastering stage, but what is it exactly ? Anyone has an idea ? Multiband compressor/limiter ? MaxxBass ?

By the way, I got the band's benediction to lower the harmonic on the snare =)
By FM friendly I mean it'd sound good on the radio. :)

I think what you mean is that a lot of metal albums have a frequncy spectrum that responds equally throughout the whole spectrum, including the bass. They seem to balance it so all the levels throughout the spectrum peak at around the same place together. Throw a Dark Tranquillity album on in winamp and watch the way the the EQ peaks and you'll see what I mean. The low end is peaking as high and at the same time as the mids. It makes for a very powerful sound.

And shit, that really sounds like a metal snare... maybe its just the snare wires sound quite strong.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
By "FM Friendly" what do you mean exactly ? That I took too much of the low ends ?

He he, actually none of those =) It's a mapple snare with a touch of plate verb, but I agree that it sounds a lot like a metal one...

I've been listening to some albums this evening, comparing to my mix, and on the biggest productions, the low ends (I guess...) seemed overwhelming, they were really wrapping everything... I don't know how to explain... They make the whole thing sound HUGE... But on my mix they make things too boomy... I'm not sure if I'm clear about this :eek:) Anyway, I know this is something that's being done at the mastering stage, but what is it exactly ? Anyone has an idea ? Multiband compressor/limiter ? MaxxBass ?

By the way, I got the band's benediction to lower the harmonic on the snare =)

HI Brett!

Great tune you got there! who are these guys?! I like it!

For the snare I think that it sounds too acoustic for the overall ambience of the song and I personally love the maplewood sound (drummer here!)!
But its up to you as its a matter of taste and direction that you or the band want to go for. My point of view.
Nice job! keep tweaking those buttons!
The band is called Malmonde, this is their second album. The first one was on Osmose Production, the second one, noone knows yet, they'll search for a label once the album will be finished.
Hopkins, any idea to get this special balance you're talking about ?