How can I make this mix better?

The Kick seems really loud in places. Without my decent monitoring setup I wouldn't want to comment further.

EDIT: 'Saving Nothing' sounds way, way better, so just follow a similar route. It actually sounds damn pro. I'm guessing maybe you didn't record that one (no offence, but their seems to be a large disparity between the two songs)?
I think as gorath23 said, the kick is really high up. I think the guitar might need less gain and more mids to fatten it up a bit.

Just a few suggestions.

Can you give us the tracks, becuase I'm sure there are lots of people on here who would enjoy mixing it, and we can explain how we improved it if you like ours the best.

Firstly, I really enjoyed the song. Very cool. Just agreeing with what everyone else has said, for me the kicks are a little loud. On the screams, try a little dirt and experiment with your compression, see if you can get hold of PSP VintageWarmer 2, which will do both at the same time for you. :headbang: