I haven't had a chance to go at this coz im smack bang in the middle of an album mix at the moment. I think I might take some time out and do a quick mix of it tomorrow. Will start downloading now..
hmm, this this is the quick mix:


I'm quite shattered about the low end. There are some crazy resonances on both the bass and rhythm guitars that make a controlled and tight low end nearly impossible. I just called it quits and hacked up a quick low end. Vocals and such aren't automated, I just threw them in there to get a reference. It's by no means a finished mix, but with time constraints, you kinda get the idea.

If you're taking suggestions, I would advise that next time you should use a Bass DI track for the low-end rather than what sounds like a mic'd cab to me. As soon as the chugga comes in, those resonances peak out of control. Were the guitars recorded in a fairly small, untreated room?
For a quick mix that was very well done.

Excellent clarity. You always seem to mix vox really nicely.

My mix sounds like tin compared to that. I really need fucking monitors.
Thanks Peter. Yes monitors really help. Although I'm still waiting to get my acoustic treatment in here and pawn my current monitors off for a 3-way system. I imagine I'll have some threads up soon on how that all goes. It's been a real chore to mix in an untreated environment on real cheap monitors for as long as I have. I'm sure if you diverted some of your massive guitar amp fund towards monitors, you'd be soaring :)

I'm glad you think the vox came up okay. I didn't do much with them. Just a basic comp and EQ to seat them in the mix. With vox I always find the trick (for me anyway) is to carve a good mix around them, then they tend to seat themselves for the most part. Although I wasn't too fond of the quality of the dry vox tracks here... I was comparing them to 'Minus the Herd' and they lacked clarity. Sounds like a dynamic mic was cupped by the singer whilst tracking the vox.