How can i tell my parents im a metal vocalist??


New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2014
Hi im a metal vocalist, im only 14 though. Im serious about wanting to be in a band as a vocalist. I can do high screams, mids, and lows with good technique (fry and falsechord) and would like to start doing some recordings. How can i tell my parents?
Just tell them it's what you're passionate about. My parents weren't all that crazy about it when I started 4 or 5 years ago in my teens–but they did come to my first concert ever to support me and that felt pretty great.

"I wish you didn't do that screaming stuff and only sang" was their obvious response, but they weren't angry by any means so I don't see why anyone would be afraid to tell their parents. :)
it depends on the parents,
some are so superstitious,
you must show that the
metal is not a negative or
satanic music, it's just a
musical style like rock
my parents asked to remove a song of Demon hunter that i have shared Today on facebook . LOL
I'm a metal guitarist, similar age, and also an vocalist, more or less.
I don't exactly know what to tell you, but you don't need to tell your parents if you don't want to. If you have a smartphone or tablet(I use a Kindle Fire), you can actually record on it using an application called Audio Evolution for Kindle, and there are various other digital audio workstations for different devices. Audio Evolution costs money(I think it's 7 dollars), and most good DAWs cost some money. You could go the easier rout and use a tape recorder, but you may have to ask your parents to buy one. I would actually recommend the tape recorder over digital because it's more reliable, and portable device microphones sound like crap. A computer, if you have your own would be very helpful for recording, too.

I think it would be best to tell your parents, though, an they could get you better equipment.

Sorry, I just realized I was quite late to reply.(edit)
if your old enough to know what metal is your old enough to man up.

no need for a mini meltdown until your old enough to drink and you wake them up blasting syl at them at 4am whilst hammered.

i vividly remember shitting myself when i got my first alt album..offspring smash...was only about 10 max but when the "GODDAMN MUTHAFUCKER" bit came in on bad habit it was a scary moment indeed.