how come....

Marshan Man

The Hairball Returneth!
Apr 28, 2001
Manchester gets left off EVERY tour!!! since Maiden played in 2000!

aaarghh i hope 54 can fit a anchester gig in.... im goin crazy having to travel 100 miles+ to see my fave bands!
Complain more ;)

Seriously, mail the bands you want to play manc with serious suggestions of where they can play.

however, i agree, Manchester is better for me than birmingham by 30 miles... but no one ever plays there :cry:
I'm sure bands are willing to play there - it really depends where they can get a gig. im sure its not personal!!

theres more to booking a gig than just ringing up and saying hello mr venue man we want to play this date... some venues can be pretty odd about when they are going to let a band play their.

and there are only so many dates u can do on a tour before u go a bit potty!!!!! lol
Apparently the Bierkeller in Bristol is very particular about who gets bookings - they only want the bigger bands or a load of local bands.

The Fleece only goes for bands through the bigger booking agencies or local bands with a bit of a rep.

So it's not just Manc where you can't get a gig - 54 would have trouble getting a headline gig in Bristol. i wasnt really referring to 54, just bands in general.

but yeah i had heard that about the berkelier place- i guess venues can afford to be picky if they want to - but it sucks cuz it means that awesome young bands, particularly if they are local - dont get heard when they could actually be excellent.!! grrr. they only want the commercial shite!

i guess as well sometimes it isnt always practical to do a gig at a particular part of the sure all bands would be willing to play everywhere if they could = more exposure but well it cant always happen!

well u could always move to london ! lol *ducks and runs from MM*:lol: ;)
hehe yeah

"I fucking hate Manchester!" lol

its just hard.... comin from Glasgow, which is a pritty good place gig wise where i didnt have to go too long without sum good band bein on...

to now wheni have to wait 6 months for a gig, and its the other side of the pennines!!!!! or south of Brumm!! AAARRGHHH

im not haveing a go, im just hoping that 54 get the chance to play here!
No, i know what ya mean mate, fact is, ya cant get a fanbase in an area unless you tour it, so far as i can see.

I am so unbeliveably chuffed that 54 are playing Hanley, and i want to repay that trust by showing them that stoke has a LARGE metal fanbase, which i know it does. When thats proved, other acts will follow, maybe even BLAZE. :) Sod it, when Maiden werent an arena band, Hanley was a common venue. I think Manchester is realistic... have you ever suggested some venues/information to Mia??? Im sure theyll consider it if you find stuff out.
its really not as easy as getting a gig. I'm sure Mia spends a lot of time booking gigs and she books the places that are suitable for them to play.

theres no point in them playing a pissy little venue just for the sake of playing in a town cuz no one will turn up! its just a waste of time and money. Im sure that goes for all bands.

it is pretty important to build up a fan base but u got to admit that most of 54 fans are pretty dedicated.... we all travel to see them. yeah it would be nice to see them in ur home town ...but hey ive not seen them in mine! ( london is NOT my home town, its only convenient cuz im at uni) i did suggest a few of the venues around here but at the end of the day its up to Mia and the band if they choose to go there, and also the venues. and i would travel anywhere to see them, ( i already have) i really dont care whether they play here or not. ive managed to get enough people around here into them by flyering and selling cds and wearing merch. Anyway - gigs dont always mean people turn up/. the thing that REALLY gets it around is word of mouyth and we are all great at talking so lets get to it!! lol

YAY 54 54 54 54 54 54 !!!!!!!
im not makeing a coment against 54, just hopeing that 54 can find a decent gig in manchester, cos me n Tiff can no longer afford to travel far for gigs, Bradford cleared us out for the month!

Mia already has details of the venue i would suggest for manchester... the hop and grape. and i passed on details of the celler bar in blackburn. and my mate has got a job as gig booker at the local rock bar in blackburn, the napier, hes asked if i can pass on info to 54 and marshan. he cant afford much in the way of payment, but the options there, tho both napier and the celler are probly more marshan than 54's venue, being smaller places.

im no having a go, i know how much effort its taken Kev to set up this tour with Sea of Green later this month. im just stating my frustration of wanting gigs, and comin from a place most bands play, to a place where only the arena bands play at the MEN.
Originally posted by madgirl i wasnt really referring to 54, just bands in general.

but yeah i had heard that about the berkelier place- i guess venues can afford to be picky if they want to - but it sucks cuz it means that awesome young bands, particularly if they are local - dont get heard when they could actually be excellent.!! grrr. they only want the commercial shite!

I was just using 54 as an example in that one - there are many other bands out there in similar situations.

I'm pretty sure one big reason Blaze has been able to play the Bierkeller twice is because they can put "ex-Iron Maiden" on the posters.

Bierkeller also only does gigs on Sunday and Wednesday nights when they used to do them nearly every night :(