How Did You Get Into Amon Amarth?

it was a mp3....i think "without fear" which impressed me a lot.[/QUOTE]
personally it was Death in fire and I stole it from a friend (actually I gave him back his cd's, he'd never accept to lend them to me so I took thim without his knowing:Saint: )
A friend of mine was reccomending a whole bunch of bands to me, and AA was among them. Of those bands they're the only one I still regularily listen to, many of them were lame and I stopped listening after a year or so.
My first AA album was The Crusher, I bought it after I had read about the band in a magazine, it was a biography and an interview with Johan H.
I was listening to the stuff from The Crusher almost every day before I found the other discs, which took me about half a year. (BTW, my fav album is OSFTGH.)
Once I was writing the CD reviews for, the Russian forum, and while I was trying to think of the words that would correspond to the music and lyrics in a best way it occurred to me that AA was one of the greatest bands that I had ever written about.
I bought a death metal sampler CD. One of the songs was Victorious March by a band called Amon Amarth.....I went out and got Once Sent from The Golden Hall. And I was hooked.
I read about Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds in magazines and I couldnt get it in Australia, so I wrote to them and they sent me a copy. Top blokes!
Priest of Evil said:
I read about Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds in magazines and I couldnt get it in Australia, so I wrote to them and they sent me a copy. Top blokes!

That's probably the coolest story in this whole thread.
i was interested in northern mytholgy ...espacially in the cult of vikings....cause of that im a musican or a metalhead
i bought amon amarth
now they are my favorite band:rock: