How Did You Get Into Amon Amarth?

Hmm one of my good metal head american buddies brought them up in a conversation, so I decided to download some of their songs. The very first song I heard of theirs was Victorious March, a truley amazing song. My interest for them at this point was dormant until I came across a few of their albums which were on my computer (my brother's doing most likely). It was all so good, so I ended up buying Fate Of Norns, great album, then October 4th this year, I got With Oden On Our Side, and all I can say is Amon Amarth never cease to amaze me. They will always be one of my favourite bands.

Ahhh felt good reminiscing on that, thanks for the thread aha. :rock:
I read something about them in a forum. The post was written by someone whose preferences in music are nearly the same as mine so i downloaded some of their stuff and ended up buying all albums (i hate those people calling themselves "fans" and everything they have from their favourite band is downloaded. we have to support our bands!).
A colleague of mine gave me The Avenger and The Crusher on mp3 some time in 2001, I liked it instantly and more or less travelled to Wacken the first time in 2002 to see them live.

I also did purchase both those albums @ WOA -02, so got them, but had it not been for those mp3's who knows?
I must admit being a virgin AA fan. My friend is HUGE into them, and therefore, so am I. Can't say I can complain though... they are quite talented and have amazing lyrics. Can't wait to see them in NYC this December...
their name caught my attention. i thought they would be about tolkien or something so i gave an album a try and was very impressed. but their live performances really impress me. they are one of the few metal bands that dont look like a bunch of tools on stage. they dont make stupid facial expressions or weird ass gestures or wear gay outfits. just good ol' fashioned metal music with kickass headbanging. i dont know how they headbang while they play some of those complicated parts.

ps. fred's drumming kicks absolute ass. its good to hear a drummer actually utilize multiple cymbal hits. most metal drummers have about fifty cymbals surrounding the kit but then they just play the double kick as fast as they can from start to finish. thats not the case here.:rock:
gnoff said:
I also did purchase both those albums @ WOA -02, so got them, but had it not been for those mp3's who knows?

And people say that MP3s and internet downloading ruins the industry. Maybe the pop industry where everyone already knows about every band there is because its always in your face. But in the metal genre, MP3 trading has replaced the tape traiding scene and has given metal a much wider audience.
as I was watching Headbangar's Ball in anticipation of Hootie and the Blowfish latest frost bitten video they must have accidentally played AA's Pursuit of Vikings, and right there and then when I saw the bangin' I was like wow, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen, he he he yeah he he, they are my favouirte band of all times (about 2 seconds at that time), anyhow, that's how many of you got into them, and I'm sticking to it, and there is nothing wrong with that, just don't pretend
I had been into thrash & deathmetal back when I was a teenager, but had lost interest because after awhile they all started sounding the same: Some dude bashing on garbage can lids while puking a lung up, er.. I mean "singing". fast foreward to the present, where I am in a pagan chat room on AOL, and talking about metal of all things, and some guy mentions this name Amon Amarth. Mind you this is shortly after I had met a local kindred of Asatru, so I think we might have also been discussing Norse stuff as well that night. I think he might have also said something about "viking death metal". Something told me to look into them, despite my previously mentioned loss of interest in that style of music. Did a google search, found the site, watched the Death in Fire clip, downloaded some songs, went out & bought OSFTGH, and here I am, a year later. Now mind you, I was a little put off by Johan's vocal style at first, but it grew on me. And the musicianship... leagues beyond anything else I'd heard in a while. looking forward to seeing them live when they come here in December. :rock:
Well, I'm a new fan but, followed Asatru for 9yrs or so, so when I first heard them...was lol...i count AA as religous music though >.>
Wow, Asatru then Amon Amarth? For me it was the other way around altho I cant say im Asatru really! I started to listen to Amon Amarth because of my brother and I thank him for that! He sent me 2 mp3 a looong time ago. Ride for vengeance and Victorious March! Just fucking great! It as became my band from that point on helping me thru difficult times. I now own all albums except demos. Hail AA :)
The illegal way. Randomly downloaded Fate Of Norns from when it was still around. I really liked that cd. So, I went to find it at my local cd shop, and asked the chick that worked there for it. They had it, Once Sent From The Golden Hall and The Avenger. I decided to go wither OSFTGH, listened to it on the way home, got half way, turned around and bought The Avenger as well. From that I franticly searched for their cds. Haven't been able to find Sorrow Througout The Nineworlds though sadly. BUT I'm glad they have those bonus discs.
A Metal friend showed me some famous songs like death in fire, masters of war ect. and i liked it, so now i have all songs of amon amarth except of 5 or 6.
In the first instance (is that right?^^) I want to appologize for bad english :D

As I heard AA the first time I didn't really like them. But my brother played "Pursuit Of The Vikings" whole time on guitar and soon the Fate Of Norns album was in my cd player :D
Now I think Amon Amarth are one of the greatest bands of the world! ;)