How Did You Get Into Amon Amarth?

I thought it was a horn, but all my other friends said I believed them -- i thought they were trustworthy guys haha One of them did get me Once Sent from The Golden Hall signed by all the AA guys :)
Back in 97/98 I was a college radio DJ. I was going through their metal section pretty much taking what I wanted, and I found the Amon Amarth disc. Put it in, picked a random song which just turned out to be Amon Amarth, and that was it, hooked.
A Certain Cunt on here got me into them, goes by the name of Clint (PaganBlood)!!! \m/ FUkkin thanks man!

For quite a few years i've been listenin to them now, and i doubt i'll ever get sick of them!

Clint, i owe you a Beer or 2 at Behemoth!
First song I ever heard was Victorious march wich was sent to me by my brother saying:"The way I know you youll probably like this...". Thats how I started into AA. I dont know even how long ago that was, possibly 8 years ago or so... Then I downloaded a few more MP3s off IRC and right now I got all there albums except Sorrow and I also bought a few shirt.
Some of you guys think you found them like a fag? I fucking typed "Death Metal" into the fucking kazaa search engine...Like many others, Death in Fire was the song that got me in. Bought 2 albums, and a T-shirt...And come Febuary I think it is, that DVD is going be played so many times my DVD player will catch on fire and burn the house down...I will die...Death in Fire...Some sort of connection there eh? And to think...Like 3-4 years ago I thought danko jones and system of a down were pretty heavy...I owe Dimmu Borgirs Puritania, Amon Amarths Death in Fire and Vaders Xepher my life...If it wasn't for those 3 songs, I would still be head banging to metallica, thinking they are the worlds heaviest band...I did have pantera...but AA>pantera...
i first downloaded the Versus the World album when it just came out. loved it so much musically that i bought the album. read the lyrics... and fell in love.
since then i bought all albums, then joined the forum, got Sorrow on Ebay, and now i know it all by heart. surely one of my top 3 favorite bands. saw them 3 times of the 4 times they went to france. can't get over them. a love story that is :)
I've always wondered how people first heard of Amon Amarth. When I first heard of them, they had a name and sound/vision that was so amazing, I was sure they were never going to get as big as they have somewhat become.

The first song I heard from AA was in 2000, and it was on a metal radio station, Metalwrath, from The Avenger. From that moment on AA has been one of my FAVORITE bands. That and Once Sent were almost impossible to find in US record stores (At least here in silly Maryland). When The Crusher came out you could find that, but not the first 2. After a year or so, I FINALLY got a copy, only to find it (and Once Sent) USED at the local record store a week later. The same record store that gave me all of their Crusher posters when the album was first released :). The same record store I now currently work at, and metal is one of our biggest sellers now :D ! It's fucking awsome seeing the band have a strong following now. Fate of Norms has done great this year, and I sure hope to see them tour the US alot more in the years to come! Maybe even HEADLINE... *we'll see.* Cheers!
I went to a cd store, looked at some albums, found "the crusher", thought: hey, vikings, awesome! Sample, extatic, buy. Of course there is something irresistible about Swedish guys in viking outfts :Spin:
My mom bought me a issue of "Sweden Rock" and a DVD came with it. There were many videos, but the one i stuck on was Amon Amarth - Pursuit of vikings.