How did you get into Opeth?

Heard a song from "Still Life" on the radio.
Wasn't into growling at the time, but really
enjoyed the mellow parts in that one song
that I heard! To prevent me from missing
out on anything I wrote down the
band-name and the albumtitle.
Later I found out that metal was my thing
and growling was something that grew on me.
I checked out Opeth on the internet and loved
what I heard. Later I bough "Still Life" and the
rest is history! >:eek:)
was trawling through some websites and found a link to download under the weeping moon, downloaded it and i guess you can figure out the rest :)
Maybe it sounds a little bit weird, but I get into Opeth because of the bandname! I read a review of Blackwater Park on a metal webzine and just because of the name I brought the CD!
After hearing the record the first time I just felt in love with their music.
Last week I went to the Opeth gig in Berlin and was amazing! Absolut fantastic! The best gig I've ever seen. And I saw many shows, btw!
always heard of them before on websites and stuff. then a friend bought their cd and loved it and bought all of their cds within that month. Then he let me borrow one of the cds and the rest is history.
I read a review on a magazine. The description of their music had all I always wanted on a band. The growls, the mellow parts, progressiveness, long songs, conceptual discs, great guitar harmonies. I saw a picture of the cover of Still Life and I also read the story on it. Ihad to buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was beautyfull!!!!!!!!!!
How did I get into Opeth.Well a friend of mine turned on to Opeth.My first introduction to Opeth was Morningrise,and let me tell you all that was a great day:) shortly after I went out and bought all of there albums that were available during that time period(Morningrise,Orchid,My Arms Your Hearse):D
Well I was going abroad for studies (UK that is) and I wanted to have some mp3 cds with me.. so I don't have to carry with me dozens of cds. I told a few friends to lend me their cds for ripping and so they did. Luckily among the others, I found My Arms.. I had never listened to Opeth before but I really liked swedish stuff. Anyway I gave it a try and it really amazed me. I bought all the albums in 3-4 weeks time :) That was about mid-summer. And I'll see them live tomorrow :p
Well I read a review of blackwater park, then I downloaded The title song, although only 4 or 5 minutes of it (and loved it!). I read tons of reviews and got obsessed with the band, the only thing I had heard were the first few minutes of Blackwater Park, I lioved the name of the band and the blackwater park album. A few weeks later I found Still Life in a record store and damn it was great. Then I got blackwater park and a few months later I finally got the first three albums, I´m still digesting all of the material, I have all lot of digesting pleasure ahead of me!
a friend heard the drapery falls edit, said they were like my fav band Katatonia (how wrong was he) both are brilliant and well i got Morningrise and borrowed BWP, anyway one day i was sitting at the computer thinking what to put on, and well i got hooked and never looked back.
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Enjoy the show tomorrow TheMindzI!!

I'll be eagerly waiting for you review
tomorrownight or the day after that! >:eek:)

well on second thoughts.. it's on Wednesday :p but there's going to be a review anyway.. argh.. can't wait!

EDIT: the concert's on Tuesday.. wtf is wrong with me lately? .. argh
Back when BWP first came out I heard "Bleak" on the radio. Enjoyed it so much that I bought BWP. Then a few months later I had all of them.
a couple years ago, my boyfriend used to play mayh in the car all the time, and it was the end of "when" that grabbed my attention. he burned all four albums for me, and i listened to them with the intention of blocking out the death vocals and concentrating on the music. well, the rest is history. i got those four cds for xmas that year, and now i love the death vocs.

we preordered bwp, and the day it came in the mail he drove over and we had a listening party for two. :)

it's so funny that most of us bought all the albums at once. that's quite a testament!
I started searching the web for new music to listen to. My family is all into mainstream nu-metal, hard rock bands (most of which suck), and I wanted something better. I found Tristania and bought their CD. I got used to the whole growling thing with them.

I then searched for music like them and found In Flames, and wound up buying almost all their albums. I went to their old forum and some of the people mentioned Opeth. I downloaded In The Mist She Was Standing and the rest is history.
i had already been listening to children of bodom for a while so i actually found mikaels growling easier to listen to :D
It was the second time I listened to Still Life. My friend in the army was a great Opeth fan. So I decided to lend Still Life from a local library. I don't acctually remember what I exactly thought when I listened to it for the first time. I wasn't hooked, though. Yet. I gave it another chance. And good that I did. Since then it has been my absolute favourite. Nothing has come even close to it, except for one album. Katatonia's Brave Murder Day, which I found because of Åkerfeldt's name on it.
Some guy in IRC linked Being bored, I went. I saw some samples and got Advent. When I listened to it I immediately recognized their musical skill somehow. Then the vocals started and put me off because I still didn't like that way of singing. I mentioned liking it to the guy who linked it, and he went and uploaded Morningrise to me. I kept listening to it and liking it. So I downloaded the rest over time (Still Life had just come out), and then I ordered all 4 albums eventually. Opeth actually got me into death metal and stuff. After that I never minded any sort of singing unless it was just bad.
