How do create convolution IR's?

i use an 8 sec sine sweep, then play that thru from the start, but after the 8 seconds is up i leave it at least to record an extra 2 secs of blank audio (so ill trim the recorded response to 10secs) then ill use voxengo deconvolver to load the sine sweep and the IR and it will deconvolve it all, simple!! :)
+1 on Voxengo Deconvolver.
You can use the demo version which allows you to deconvolve 3 IRs at time, then you can just restart the app and do another 3...
As for the sweep, I would say 12s (24bit 44.100), but 8s should work as well, 3s too...

As for the silence at the end, it represents the final length of the deconvolved IR itself. For cabinets, 2048 samples usually means max accuracy and low CPU usage. You can try 4096 too, but often there is no need to go that high... 1024 is not 100% accurate sometimes, but a really good compromise...

So, if you record @ 44.100 and want to use 2048 samples, the length of the silence should be (1/44100)*2048 = 0,0464 sec