How to make IR's Impulse Responses?

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
Hey yall,

So ive been using IR's now for too long and i've finally come to the stage where i want to make my own IR's of my cabs and a few pedals etc

So i was looking on altiverbs site etc but i dont want to buy anything fancy. So whats the free alternative to making one?

Any links, videos etc would be sweet.

Im using Logic 9 - i presume i have to generate some kind of sweep, send it through my device i want to IR and then do some cutting etc but i dont know exactly what to do, what kind of sweep i should be using, its time and length etc and what to cut, what post processing do i do to the IR etc

So yea - If someone could hit me up that would rock


ross :)
right im all good then on what to do up to the very last stage

sadly my logic doesn't have sound designer (ARGH) because of my cheap ass needs and upgrades etc. So what exactly is sound designer doing when it takes the sweep file and the IR sweep? i presume it is scanning the IR for the sweep tones and cutting them out or something. So for example myself who does not have sound designer what are my options on what i can do? how can i remove the sweet tone from the IR?
ok im back to square 1 - is there anything (in DAW or free plugins) that can mash together the sweep file & the IR sweep file to make the final Impulse?

If someone could explain exactly what it does when it takes the sweep file and the IR sweep file maybe i could figure out how to do that within my daw without using a plugin

and on that note Voxengo Deconvolver does not support mac :(
Hey man, it's really quite simple - here's a sine sweep (24/44.1), send it through whatever you wanna make an impulse of (while simultaneously recording that, naturally), trim the beginning of the recorded file (to compensate for the latency of the sweep going out your interface, through whatever it is your capturing, and back in), and then deconvolve them. As you've noticed, Deconvolver isn't available on Mac, but I'd be happy to deconvolve 'em for you! (depending on how many you make, of course, keep it under 30 or so :D You'd send me the recorded files, but not the sine sweep, since if you used the one I linked to above then I of course already have it)
well for example i dont know if it worked - i tried making a IR of studio devil on one of the presets - just like a TS IR that i seen a few days ago. so i dont know if it will work! i haven't got a clue

i generated my own sine wave

so my 2 files are here: sweep file ---other pre IR file

excuse me if they dont work etc or if i've done it wrong or if it wont work through a plugin or whatever - ive never done this before - so basically if your a mac user without a windows rig your screwed on making IR's without having logic's space designer right?

ps: thanks for the post!

if you're able to run "Reapers" Mac version, you could try its "ReaVerb" plugin. There you have to load the file module (which handels Impulsfiles) to get the deconvolving section visible. It provides you with all functions needed like generating a sine sweep, deconvolving input- and recorded file to the final impuls and certainly using it.

- gMo -
Hey man, it's really quite simple - here's a sine sweep (24/44.1), send it through whatever you wanna make an impulse of (while simultaneously recording that, naturally), trim the beginning of the recorded file (to compensate for the latency of the sweep going out your interface, through whatever it is your capturing, and back in), and then deconvolve them. As you've noticed, Deconvolver isn't available on Mac, but I'd be happy to deconvolve 'em for you! (depending on how many you make, of course, keep it under 30 or so :D You'd send me the recorded files, but not the sine sweep, since if you used the one I linked to above then I of course already have it)

How do you route the signal to the amp/cab?
I know it's a bit off topic - but how do they go about making IR's of massive arenas and cathedrals etc.? I mean I know how you make cabinet impulses, but when they record the sweep, what do they output the signal through? A speaker? And if so, that sounds like a pretty unnatural way to do it. Just curious if anyone knows...
I know it's a bit off topic - but how do they go about making IR's of massive arenas and cathedrals etc.? I mean I know how you make cabinet impulses, but when they record the sweep, what do they output the signal through? A speaker? And if so, that sounds like a pretty unnatural way to do it. Just curious if anyone knows...

there's a few methods,

one is to send either a sweep or a 1-sample "blip" through a speaker as the source, (with adequate power and a flat response ideally).

or you could use a starter pistol or other loud, sudden noise to stimulate the room.