I have all Landmarq albums, including the first three on which Damian sings. Of course the music's different, but Damian's voice doesn't disappoint me. I first heard him on Ayreon albums, then Star One, Threshold, Landmarq, and ...with Stream of Passion, his solo recordings...Rick Wakeman's New English Rock Ensemble (excellent work on "The Mission", by the way! So dreamy, that voice!) and so forth.
Damian's quickly become one of my favourite vocalists ever, and I'm very very happy I managed to catch him live a few times now. As I've said in the topic about his website, I adore his voice and I adore him as a person...such a friendly, kind, social and modest bloke. Mac had this kind of cocky attitude, which I don't really like. Not saying he's a bad guy, I don't know him well enough for that, and his voice really is strong and good, but in the overall picture...Damian's the one.
I have to say I'm quite fond of Glynn's powerful dark vocals as well, though he has a bit of a rough edge in his voice. Part of his charm. Damian's voice is more clear.
When I was going to see Threshold for the first time in 2007, Damian already was my favourite vocalist, but I love Threshold altogether, even with Mac, so I was excited!
Then I read Mac left. Oh no... =< What if they cancel the tour? Oh wait, Damian stands in for one date....no...he stands in for the whole tour! I'm gunna see Damian!!! YAAAY!!!! ^____^ One of my favourite vocalist with one of my favourite bands! It's been heaven ever since.
I'm not sad Mac left at all, though he did a marvellous job with Threshold these past 9-10 years.
Damian's quickly become one of my favourite vocalists ever, and I'm very very happy I managed to catch him live a few times now. As I've said in the topic about his website, I adore his voice and I adore him as a person...such a friendly, kind, social and modest bloke. Mac had this kind of cocky attitude, which I don't really like. Not saying he's a bad guy, I don't know him well enough for that, and his voice really is strong and good, but in the overall picture...Damian's the one.
I have to say I'm quite fond of Glynn's powerful dark vocals as well, though he has a bit of a rough edge in his voice. Part of his charm. Damian's voice is more clear.

When I was going to see Threshold for the first time in 2007, Damian already was my favourite vocalist, but I love Threshold altogether, even with Mac, so I was excited!

I'm not sad Mac left at all, though he did a marvellous job with Threshold these past 9-10 years.