How do edit drums?


Mar 29, 2009
post that random stick figure emoticon here...

I was wondering what everyone did as far as drum editing went. I'm talking about having the recorded drum tracks and making them perfectly timed/quantized.

I'm currently working on a project that needs this badly, along with guitar editing. There are a few missed hits, and a lot of timing issue where the drummer gets a bit off of the click. And then the guitar was recorded to the sloppy drumming so now they are out of time too!
I do it manually in Reaper. Tab to transient at the beginning of the hit and line everything up, moving all the drum tracks at once. With the space or the overlaps created from doing this, experiment with crossfades or time stretch to see what sounds the best. After you track drums, you should edit them before you record guitar to make sure everything is on time. After that, you can edit the guitar/bass/ect to be on time much easier.
If you're using Reaper, I believe that PipeLineAudio over on the Reaper forums has some good tips and videos. You can also find him on the Reaper IRC channel if you've further questions.
If you're using Reaper, I believe that PipeLineAudio over on the Reaper forums has some good tips and videos. You can also find him on the Reaper IRC channel if you've further questions.


Although, these are probably outdated in terms of some of the new features (i.e dynamic splitting), but will still get it done.