how do mix bass

Not trying to "prove" anything chief

Trying to make you aware. And as you should be able to see, I'm not alone in my reasoning

But whatever .. I seriously question if you even bothered to check the link I posted but at this point, I don't even really care. For what it's worth, I found a thread dealing with the EXACT methods you asked about in roughly 30 seconds ... using that search link so don't tell me that it hasn't been covered
For what it's worth, I found a thread dealing with the EXACT methods you asked about in roughly 30 seconds ... using that search link so don't tell me that it hasn't been covered

Well, can you post the link because ive searched for a second time and i get the results i already know.

I am currently experimenting copying bass pasting two times so i have 3 tones. everything with amp sims.
The first tone with with any pod bass amp no distortion, compress with something like 18ms of attack and 10:1 lp to something like 300hz steep and lower the 20-30 hz area like 5 db.
The second one with pod or tse b.o.d., same compression as the first tone, hp to 60hz almost steep and depending on the song the lp can be like 200hz for the fast stuff and 500 for slower songs and finally multiband compression in the 100hz to 200hz.
Last tone is the dirty one, depending on the style of music played i pick whatever amp i have and set distortion i do this with a lot of amps until i get the tone i like then extreme compression then eq hp 200 lp 4000hz (this freq may vary) maybe even set two amps in the chain. I usually use this tone with a low volume.

However depending on the parts of the song i may automate the compression attack of the low basses sometimes i compress->eq->compress again. Everything i said worked with me like a charm in mixes of different styles of metal. At first sounds bad but once you get into it the results are really good :).