how do you approach vocal intensive editing sessions?

got this book
love it

Pick up Multi-Platinum Pro Tools by Nathan Adam/Brady Barnett - they go in depth about editing techniques.

The tip he's referring to is hard quantizing/auto-tuning background vocals and editting main performance to grid.

Again, as Egan stated... it's NOT AT ALL about getting bad performances sync'd up - it's about achieving a polished, 'perfect' sound that the genre/times demand. Again, pick up that book. There's a philosophy behind editing that essentially takes a great performance and makes it over-the-top. The same techniques we use to make shitty bands sound decent or even good (autotuning, quantizing) can be utilized to make an already great band the very best they possibly can sound.

this all, of course, leaves out the 'natural is better' argument - we won't get into that.
p.s. all of this editing is after hours were spent getting great takes. it really is about the polishing... i use nuendo so melodyne (sync issues), and vocalign (protools only) are out of the question.

oh well =[
MKS: Over time Melodyne basically drags behind a little bit. From what I understand, it's about 3ms over the length of your average song being about ~4 minutes. For the professional world this is really too much, and then you have to go back and fix it which adds extra work. It's a pity because it really is the best vocal tuning software right now, IMO. However, if you are using Cubendo then you can use it's time stretch tool to shrink it back, thanks Jeff!, and it won't sound off or anything, at least in my case it didn't - probably because it's only ~3ms.
as you scan with melodyne, it gradually knocks the timing of the input audio off time

so its not sample accurate

yeah i found the same problem so what i do is just do line by line on an entire region until the whole track (which is comped to one region) is in melodyne but one line at a time. then i just process the region and name it like "melo_lead1" or something and reimport it back into my file and take melodyne off.

it's a little annoying
yeah i found the same problem so what i do is just do line by line on an entire region until the whole track (which is comped to one region) is in melodyne but one line at a time. then i just process the region and name it like "melo_lead1" or something and reimport it back into my file and take melodyne off.

it's a little annoying

just for fun, i tried a line that was like 8 seconds long

it completely screwed all of the sibilance matching up to the drum hits

p.s. all of this editing is after hours were spent getting great takes. it really is about the polishing... i use nuendo so melodyne (sync issues), and vocalign (protools only) are out of the question.

oh well =[

You can get Melodyne Studio 3 and use ReWire... it has no sync issues.

You could also easily export your main vocal takes and a rough buss mix and export to Melodyne. I never have problems. Also, I just recorded a 12 song album for a pop-punk band. It's hard work. I never do full takes, I do it a line at a time and get the perfect emotion for each line. A lot of the time its about getting the singer's feelings across. Some people say it has to be done in one or two takes, bullshit. If you want examples, I can gladly offer them. It's gotta sound right to you and to the band.
Hey Joey, did you do all this crazy editing and shit on that joint you did with Let's Get It? That song sounds like there's some serious shit going on vocally with all those layers. Must've been a pain in the ass but the results are fucking killer.

Cuz i've finished tracking vocals today for a crabcore band, and it's gonna need loads of editing :lol:
This is why I love Logic's comp feature.
I'm currently tracking vocals and doing it section by section. I'll do about 6 takes on each section, then create the comp on the spot before moving on to the next. If I like the entrance on one take better but the rest of the word doesn't sound as sweet it's so easy to fix it by just moving the mouse of the selected areas of each take. This way I don't have to bother editing by hand. (cutting/moving etc)
I feel really stupid for upgrading to Sonar 8 now.
As a matter of fact I'm about to go to guitar center and buy the melodyne plugin so I don't have to bother transferring my vocals to my PC and use roland's vvocal. RIP Sonar :(

I'm confused why you're ditching Sonar. What doesn't it have?
Hey Joey, did you do all this crazy editing and shit on that joint you did with Let's Get It? That song sounds like there's some serious shit going on vocally with all those layers. Must've been a pain in the ass but the results are fucking killer.

yeah, all of the lets get it songs have a lot of stuff going on

i can't even begin to explain to you...

just finished the new duck duck grey goose, final track count = 127
Joey, I think you blew over the VocAlign suggestion a bit too quickly. It does actually work very well, and there's even a "Pro" version that's several hundred bucks more expensive and supposedly is even better and has more accurate algorithms built in. I know you don't have Pro Tools, and I don't want to open up the whole Pro Tools discussion in this thread, but even if you just get a cheap used Digidesign interface so you can use VocAlign, I bet you would find that it helps you save hours of your time...that alone would make an Mbox purchase worth it, even if you use Pro Tools for absolutely nothing else.
I'm confused why you're ditching Sonar. What doesn't it have?

I just like the comp feature on Logic much more. I find it much easier to use and since it's something that I'm probably going to use A LOT then I might as well make the commitment. I figured by getting melodyne I would save myself the hassle of going back and forth between the two.
There are still things I prefer about the vvocal plugin though. And I do miss the snap to grid feature of sonar. It's just not enough I'm afraid.

While we're on the subject of melodyne...

Is this 3ms difference based on the entire length of a 4min song?
Let's say I record a verse and start a bar or two before, use the melodyne plugin, export just that little region (verse) and import it to the corresponding measure. Will that help compensate since it's a shorter phrase? Or is the latency an issue regardless?
Joey, I think you blew over the VocAlign suggestion a bit too quickly. It does actually work very well, and there's even a "Pro" version that's several hundred bucks more expensive and supposedly is even better and has more accurate algorithms built in. I know you don't have Pro Tools, and I don't want to open up the whole Pro Tools discussion in this thread, but even if you just get a cheap used Digidesign interface so you can use VocAlign, I bet you would find that it helps you save hours of your time...that alone would make an Mbox purchase worth it, even if you use Pro Tools for absolutely nothing else.

I was under the impression that non-pro tools HD had latency issues as it is. Was I misinformed?
I was under the impression that non-pro tools HD had latency issues as it is. Was I misinformed?

I don't even understand how my previous post has anything to do with the Pro Tools LE/HD/latency/etc discussion. Also, VocAlign is an AudioSuite plug, so latency is not related to it (non real-time). You load a "guide" track, then a "dub" track, and it lines up the "dub" to the "guide" based on the time-compression/expansion parameter you specify.