How Do You Feel About Veganism?

While humans are evolved to eat meat and I think it's morally okay for us to do so, the way animals are treated in the food industry is sick and disgusting. I have no desire to support it, but unfortunately there's limitations to how much control I have over my lifestyle right now. I tried veganism again more recently, and I wasn't able to do it while still getting everything I need. I settled on pescatarianism (eating plants, fish, dairy, and eggs) and it's the perfect compromise for me right now. Overfishing is a major problem, and I do feel a little bit guilty about eating fish, but my diet lets me limit how much I support unethical agriculture while still keeping me healthy. It's great.

If I had income right now, I would at the very least be much more discriminate in how I source the animal products I do eat, though. I wish I could source my dairy and fish from producers who handle it more ethically, but sadly it's not easy for me right now. I will one day. I don't think I'll ever do veganism again, but my goal diet is a high calorie but health-conscious one consisting mostly of plants, with some fish and maybe more ethically sourced dairy and eggs.

I don't think the rhetorical tactics used by vegans are very effective, either. Sure, they do reach some people, but I think they create a very us vs them mentality and other themselves, which is really harmful to their cause. This idea that everyone should go vegan is super harmful. People don't like when you come for their ways of life. Instead, I think we (animal welfarists) should seek to simply raise awareness of how bad the animal agriculture industry can be, and also encourage people to consume less factory-farmed meat through positive means. Rather than shaming people and insisting that they go vegan, we should instead be sharing awesome recipes for satisfying and delicious meals that don't involve meat. I think that lab grown meat is probably the most viable way to stop animal exploitation. Once we can produce something identical to meat for the same price, there really won't be any excuse for killing animals for sustenance anymore. There will definitely be some people who are resistant to it for whatever imagined reason, but if this technology becomes mainstream and affordable, the results will be great.
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