How do you guys know English so well??

I've always been amazed at the ability that most non-native english folks have here and the ability is one to be applauded. I think it's a shame that in America there is no emphasis on learning foreign languages despite the fact that we are part of a global society and given that we have such a diverse population with so many non-native citizens. While most high-schools have foreign language classes, aside from Spanish, I'm sure the number of students is low compared to overall enrollment.

While I took two years of French in middle school I've forgotten most of it from lack of use. I used to speak French with my mémé (grandmother) until she passed many many years ago and since then have had no opportunity to speak it so it has been tucked away with so many other old skills in the depths of my brain like boxes in a closet. I can probably still read it with some effort, but forget trying to speak it.

So - to all my foreign friends - I applaud your language skills and envy the fact that you are multilingual.

Perhaps I should choose one of those Rosetta Stone language software packages and learn say Mandarin Chinese :) I've read that someday we will all speak a mixed language made up of parts of English, Spanish, and Chinese. Sort of like the language they use in the TV show Firefly which was a mixture of Chinese and English (mostly Chinese for the curse words :) ).

When I was in high school...we had to take a foreign language class, so I took french. living here in San Antonio, Texas is almost like living in Mexico and you pick up a lot of Spanish from hanging out with friends.
is it only me that can write well in english but struggles when talking is needed ?
A quick look on Facebook, or just going out into public is enough to show how embarrassingly bad the average Australian is at speaking/writing in English despite being native speakers.
It seems here, that if you want to actually learn to write and speak in English WELL, you have to really teach yourself, whereas it seems with the English programs in many European countries, they actually get taught to speak and write in the language PROPERLY.
All the European guys who have added me on Facebook seem far more capable of actually writing in English, so major props to you guys.
Here's a recent comment I just saw on Facebook posted by some chick :

"i knw yea i have a lil boy nw. its ben so lng i dnt nw wher 2 start"
This is the Australian education system in action, folks. Shit like that is so hard to read you have to read it again and again just to make some sense of it.
Why the fuck retards like this are allowed to breathe our air, let alone breed, is just beyond me.

I always found it pretty sad that by the time I was 18, I felt like I was far more literate in the way I wrote and read and more articulate in the way I spoke compared many people in their 40s and even 50s who were born here.
Even though I dropped out of high school (albeit in year 12 though, so almost towards the very end) I made sure I would continue to educate myself.
I feel like I've learnt wayyyyyyy more just educating myself than in my entire high school years.
The average Australian kid is too fucking stupid to be able to learn English, so it's no wonder we don't have a hope in hell of mastering a second language most of the time.

Edit : Just for the lulz, the link to the Facebook page of that chick that posted on some other chick's wall :!/profile.php?id=100000671306238&v=wall
Mira quien lo dice! jajaja se escribe Mexicanos, con X.

y si es Malditos Cristianos, yo personalmente diria "Malditos Cristianos de Mierda"

En España se dice Mejicanos, con J :lol:

Y estoy de acuerdo contigo en lo de "malditos cristianos de mierda", aunque "Cristinos" tiene su gracia hahahaha

Como dice el, en España (y en venezuela tambien se acostumbra) se dice Mejico, mejicanos. Eso de Mexico solo es en ingles, y por lo que veo en el mismo mexico tambien jajaja

No es ironico que estemos hablando español en una discusion sobre lo bien que hablamos ingles? :goggly:


Scene cracks me up to no end. Last time I watched it me and my bud were going "ARRIVADERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCI" for the whole night, with it getting more and more exaggerated as we got progressively more drunk.
Same all over Harry, I've been reading novels since the age of 7 that adults would look at and go "oh, do you really read that, its a bit big for me", as a seven year old realising your more literate than a large percentage of adults is pretty disorientating.

The modern education system is a fucking joke though and over the years I just got gradually held back and held back so everyone else could attempt to catch up where I was at, I don't consider myself to be massively smart either - just someone who has always been interested in improving himself, there was never any emphasis on actually learning anything in education as much as just putting a large amount of ticky boxes next to your name and then handing you a useless piece of paper at the end.

"Congratulations, you just wasted 13 years of your life".

To top that off it really is designed in a way to kill your passion for anything you actually care about, I thank god for never taking music as an educational choice because it would have no doubt ruined that for me as well. The thing is there is a culture of acceptance when it comes to stupidity and ignorance, stuck in a classroom of thirty kids the coolest guy there was always the guy who knew the least about anything. Western culture seems to revel in its own acceptance of the pig ignorant to an unhealthy degree, in Asian cultures intelligence is highly valued and learning is of paramount importance, here we are taught to shit on people who excel so that stupidity is an accepted norm.
Como dice el, en España (y en venezuela tambien se acostumbra) se dice Mejico, mejicanos. Eso de Mexico solo es en ingles, y por lo que veo en el mismo mexico tambien jajaja

No es ironico que estemos hablando español en una discusion sobre lo bien que hablamos ingles? :goggly:
Us Mexicans invented the name 'México', tho... so we ought to know how to spell it! J/K
I thought "kids" from other countries do speak a better english than we germans do, as most of the movies and series here are synchronized with german tone. This might has changed in the last 5 Years, since most people started to download the series from the internet as soon as they are sent in the states years before you can see them here in german television.

I'm gonna go ahead and call you out, you're an English teacher you prick how can you say you suck at english? hahahaha

Hhahah, me be teachar? Ok, now I can't make a single mistake in English, fucker!

What about you? Wonderful month to teach English. Everybody needs tuition now for the exams next month.

Viva el Inglés y las guiris!!
Ha, I had a meme too. French Canada status. Too bad all I know is the inappropriate shit haha. Calisse!

That's all you need to know tabarnac.

Learnt my English with video games (Final Fantasy X helped a lot), TV shows and movies, music, and a little bit at school.
I envy dutch people, their (american- :D)english always sounded pretty much perfect to me. Especially their pronunciation and the idiomatic expressions..
A friend from the Netherlands told me it was because (nearly) all their movies are in english. I wish we had that.. I freaking hate dubbed movies and the english i learnt at school is bad. :waah: