How do you pronounce "Bodom"

on tokyo warhearts after silent night bodom night and before lake bodom he says, "we're children of (bowdum) we come from fucking finnland!"
It's funny that threads like this are interesting and others like "Bodom Recordings" and "Warheart is a rip-off" are full of replies with "Who the fuck cares!". :D

But well, this is off-topic so... :D
Ocean.Soul said:
i was told it was like 'boodom'. straight from a finnish girl =)
;) english speaking people pronounce 'oo' like in doom, but thats not it.

So the stress is on the first syllable and the first o in Bodom is pronounced a bit longer than the second one...

I hope this helps a bit....
Does anyone else have trouble pronouncing "laiho"? :lol: i must be deslexic or some shit cause i read it wrong pronounced it lee-ahh-hoo for a while:Spin:
Elysian893 said:
i pronounce it "cobhXc"

that was funny the first 5000 times you said it...and even then it wasnt all too funny.

but anyway, ive always pronounced it Bo Dum. if im wrong then thats a total mind blower. ive heard people say Bottom before though...never heard a Boodum though.