How do you pronounce "Bodom"

We have buceta and chupa meu pau puta, we pwn you :p
Fwiw, i pronounce bodom the way I want it, but lately I've started calling them 'boodoom' because 'budum' is a word in portuguese with the same pronounciation that means 'stench'.
i like the way that the crowd are like "We dont give a fuck who you are, who you know, what fucking country you're come from, who your fucking cousin is, play some fucking music you silly finnish fucks!"
Shagoroth said:
Dude, I guess you only know their last album.
That's not because I see you registered in November 2005, it's because if you have ever heard Bodom After Midnight, Bodom Beach Terror youwouldn't ask that.

I wanted to know how other people from all over have heard it and how they pronounce it. I know all their albums but bestbreeder and hate me! cos they're hard to find in my town & pricy online.

I pronounce it Bowdumb.